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Tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 9-20-2004 at 3:18pm

Wedensday of this week...

If you interested in coming , let me know... however I do not have any money to put on a bratt fest so heres what I'll need from someone:

-Bratts ( this big kind that come on the styrafoam tray and are wrapped in clear plastic wrap, try savealot, greatday doesn't have them)


-Montreal Steak seasoning( it has to be montreal steak seasoning)
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09-20-04 5:51pm


Youve got alot to get.

(reply to this)


09-20-04 6:18pm

I would be in on it , but I have to stay home with my brother

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09-20-04 9:45pm

Mmm...boy...sounds yummy.

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