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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 9-24-2004 at 3:32pm
Current mood: can someone kill me?
Music: Greenday - American Idiot
Subject: ...and sing along in the age of paranoia...
allrighty.. lets sum up the last 24 hours..

-Went to back to school night with my mom
-Came home, got into fight
-She threw kitchen chair across the kitchen and threatened to hit me
-Gained back a friend that i really could've caredless about
-Lost a friend that meant a lot to me.. and now i have no where to go if i get sent away from my mom.. i know that sorry wouldnt be enough for her, but thats all ive got.. im sorry 'sisture'..
-and soon ill find out whats really up with the "caredless" about friend up there..

im tryin my best to stay alive.. because being alive is choosing not to give up
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09-26-04 7:44pm


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Re:, 09-28-04 12:03pm

grow up.

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Re: Re:, 10-03-04 3:04pm

No thats okay. i already f-ing did. its you that needs to grow the fuck up. FAT ASS POSER BITCH!!!!!!

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10-21-04 8:14pm



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10-21-04 8:15pm


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