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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-25-2004 at 1:34pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Gibberish -Relient K
Subject: randomness.
Game yesterday, we got clobbered! But hey we scored... and if you weren't there you missed the funniest thing ever. The whole football team jumped up and down and cheered so much that you would've thought that they'd just won state! lol. It was funny. I got to go out on the track w/ Allie and take pictures for yearbook! I felt so cool! lol j/k But yea, it was great fun.

After the game there was a dance... that was alright. I'm glad it was only 3 bucks... wasn't worth much more. The dj was playing some really dumb songs... but he did play some good ones. He played takin' care of business and this huge group of people started doing the alligator. It was freakin' awesome! lol. So funny. I wanna' learn how to do that!!

But yea, we stayed out late and I didn't get to bed until, like, midnight and then I had to get up at like 8 to go out to breakfast w/ Heather and her mom and my mom. It was fun, but Heather and I were both really tired.

Yea so, funny story for ya'. Kayla stayed after school yesterday and Ariana, Heather and I were talking to her and Ariana all the sudden jumped on Heathers back which reminded us of softball when Kayla would jump on my back and I'd give her a piggy back ride around the bases. It was tradition. Sounds dumb... but it was. So anyway, after that we decided that we wanted to race. So I carried Kayla and Heather carried Ariana and we raced to the lunch room. So we got to the last set of windows before the cafeteria doors and Heather just fell, hard, on her knees and dropped Ariana who them fell on her back! It was so funny, I was laughing for like 10 minutes! Oh, it was great. You have no idea. But they were pretty much fine. Until the dance... Heather said it was hurting her leg to dance... not that that stopped her. I think I may have converted her to dancism. lol. Coolness.

Well that's about it, I believe. I'll talk to you all later. Love mucho, adios.

-Jacqui Jean-
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09-25-04 2:50pm

u did not convert me *sobs*

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Re:, 09-25-04 4:03pm

then why are you sobbing? lol.

besides, you know you liked it! hehe. *wink*

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