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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-28-2004 at 7:56pm
Current mood: indescribable
Music: Hoobastank
Subject: Life, love, and funny stories.
Okay so what do you do when you like the same person that a close friend of yours likes? I don't mean a stupid munchkin sized crush or whatever, I mean you both really like this person... a lot. What do you do?? Because I really don't like the whole scenario... not a bit. I love my friend bunches and tons. I like this guy, a whole lot. I just don't know. And I know you're all gonna' say "guys come and go... blah blah blah" but I honestly don't believe that policy works all the time. I suppose I just have to see if he even likes either one of us... and only then can I really know what to do. Either that or I'll not know what to do more, all depends. Meh, I dislike dramaish things. God save teenagers.

So yea, we had a semi-fun practice today. 'Twas joyful. I'm gonna' miss tennis. Most parts of tennis that is... I'm not so much gonna' miss the people who think they know everything *cough* Jamie *cough*. But she can be really cool, so whatever. It's all good.

I can't wait for tomorrow... but at the same time I don't want it to come. I don't want tennis to be over. Hopefully I can play indoor tennis more this year. I really want to. Tennis is awesome. We're gonna' try to start practicing up on our softball skills pretty soon, which is cool, I like softball.

Heather's mom still hasn't decided whether or not Het can help me on Friday at the game and on Saturday. I hope she can, especially on Saturday. I'm gonna' be SO bored there all alone if she can't.

Ha, funny story. After school all the soccer players and most of us tennis girlies were hanging out in the cafeteria. Well, the soccer guys had our tennis rackets and a couple tennis balls and they were hitting them to and at each other.. so of course who is to walk out of the staff lounge but Mr.Pilar. It was so bad. I turned around and saw him and was just like, oh crap. So he told them to stop and gave us a mini-lecture. But it wasn't too bad. He didn't even yelled. But yea, funny stuff.

Okay now, funny story number 2. When we were heading out to go to practice Heather was being mean to me and I saw Mr. Robuck and I was like "are you hearing this, do you see how mean she is to me?" and he was like " ya' want me to slap her for ya'?" I thought that was hilarious, so of course I said yes. So Heather runs way behind me to avoid Robuck... it was hilarious. Then I was like "oh yea, Steph wanted me to show you my nails, cuz she thinks the color gaurd should do their nails like it." So I showed him my nails (they have pirates on them in case you didn't know) and he just started laughing... it was so funny! I was like "are you laughing cuz we're stupid or... why?" and he goes "you ammuse me, i'm laughing cuz i'm ammused" it was funny stuff I tell you! lol. I love Robuck.

Okay last and final funny story is dedicated to Heather. I bought m&m's after school and we were standing in the hallway eating them and Heather said something... I don't remember what so I threw an m&m down her shirt, it was really funny!! lol. Kinda' remind's me of the ice cube fight... I believe Heather would remember that lovely little day huh? hehe *wink*

Well I do believe that I'm finally done with my extremely long entry. C ya' later loves.

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09-28-04 9:20pm

i don't trust you with.... small objects..... lol. and the ice cube SOOOOO NOT COOL. that was cold and well...yah you get the point. anyway you didn't tell how i caught the ball in the rocking way.

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Re:, 09-29-04 8:06pm

i knew i forgot something! lol. that was awesome!!!

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09-28-04 10:23pm

oooohh...who does jacqui like?

how did heather catch the ball in the rocking way?

love ya bunches

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