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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 9-29-2004 at 8:12pm
Current mood: bouncy
Music: Spiderman 2 soundtrack
Okay I've officially turned into a miniature "bad girl". lol. Amy wanted someone to go out to lunch w/ her today... so I volunteered. It was cool, we went to subway and I got my first sub in like, a year. Literally. But it was cool. Allison's all like "Jacqui's bad" to Jessie in Government. It was funny. But if my parentals found out I'd be grounded for the rest of the century. So we'll not be telling them.

I'm so excited about this weekend. Which by the way starts tomorrow for me. Heather and I (and maybe Jenny) are going to the soccer game together. I have to stay until 8 so that Steph can take me home. But that's okay, I'll get to watch varsity too that way. I haven't gotten to see Adam play at all. I love watching his games. I miss my Adam. *tear*

Ooooo, guess what?! Stephy taught me the school song today after school! It rocked. Yea, I wanna' be in color guard. But I can't, stupid me, I never learned how to actually play an instrument... besides the drums... but to be in percussion you have to play mallets too, and I suck at that. Meh, oh well. lol. Band's too much for me anyway. I have too many things that I wanna' do.

I'm gonna' try out for the play tomorrow... I doubt I'll get it though. I'm not the most brilliant actress ever or anything. But we'll see. I'll try it anyway.

Well, I should leave now. Gotta' get ready for tomorrow. Hopefully tonight I can sleep... kinda' doubtful. Oh well. Love mucho.

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09-30-04 6:08pm

he he i'm excellent at color guard

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