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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 9-30-2004 at 10:45pm
Presidential Drinking Game
When either candidate says the word/phrase:

Kerry Drink One

Bush Drink One

Dick Drink Two

Cheney Drink One

Edwards Drink One

Teressa Drink Two

Freedom Drink Two

Liberty Drink Two

Iraq Drink Two

Terrorism Drink Two

Economy Drink Two

“The American People” Drink Three

“War on Terror” Drink Three

“members of our armed service” Drink Five

“subliminal” Finish Drink

“misunderestimated” Finish Thirty Rack

“lockbox” (Gore Favorite) Finish Drink


Bush mispronounces word Drink Ten

Kerry mentions being veteran Drink Five

Either candidate audibly sighs Finish Drink
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10-01-04 1:24am

If I had actually played that game tonight, I think I would've killed myself. >_<

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Re:, 10-01-04 12:26pm

I told him, I said "If we follow ALL those rules, we'd be dead of alcohol poisioning halfway through the debate."

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