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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-3-2004 at 7:36pm
Current mood: annoyed yet happy.
Music: nothing
Subject: Stupid Heather's journal.
Okay Heather's journal thing, shows up in my friends area, but it won't let me see her "friends only" entry anywhere else and it completely refuses to let me read the comments on it. Stupid thing. So annoying.

Okay so, I had the most fun this weekend. You don't even know. Friday night kinda' sucked cuz instead of sitting and watching the game like normal people Heather, Ariana, and I were helping the Music Booster's concession stand people. So I completely missed my sister and parents (it was senior night) and two of my Uncles were on the '54 football team that they honored and I missed them too!! That just annoyed the crap out of me. But I was done working in time to watch our team kick Kenowa's butts! Oh yea!!!
So anyway, Saturday was funfilled. Heather had spent the night at my house so we got up and went to the band competition together. We had to stand at on one of the stairs and tell people that they couldn't go up until the band was done playing. It was semi-annoying, cuz you'd think people would understand that that's not allowed considering that everywhere else they have ropes not letting people through... but no, they still thought that they could. *rolls eyes* dumb people. But yea, overall it was cool. We got to talk to a lot of people, and we got to see Potoskey perform from the 50 yard line... they ROCK!! It was sooo incredible cool watching them. After we got done with the competition Heather and I went with Ariana to ride on her step-dad's truck and pass out candy to the kids. It was cool, though we didn't even make the candy last to main street. Kinda' sad. Then we walked down town and got elephant ears and went to meet my mom. We took Heather home and then Ariana and I went with my grandma, my mom and Steph to Family Fare to get food for dinner and we saw Rob there. We talked to him a wee bit and then we went home and had steak w/ my grandparentals... all of them... except the one from Cali. she's at home again. Then Ariana and I went to the powder puff game and hung out with Jenny, Heather, Katie, Zac and Tim. It was interesting to say the least. We had fun. Before the fourth quarter started we went to find Larrissa and Trenton and we hung out with them for a until the end. I saw Cherie and Ben too, didn't get to talk to them much though, which sucks, but yea, what can ya' do? (that was a comma-ie sentence, eh? lol) When the game ended (Seniors won, oh yea!!) we went to Ariana's house and she and I played some pool for a while before Taryn had to go to sleep. (the pool table's in her room...) Then we watched Scorpian King, which is not a bad movie, and went to bed. We talked for a while but then we just crashed. When we woke up this morning we had homemade crepes (SO good) and went to the courts to play some tennis. Then we came home and went for a ride in the Kubota, 'twas fun. After that Larrissa made us some Floutas for lunch/dinner and we took Taryn for a Kubota ride. Those things are really fun, I want one. Then we dropped Taryn off and headed out again, but just as we got to the end of the road my mom came so we turned around. Then we decided that Steph had to ride in it too so I drove her, Larissa, and Ariana to the end of their road and then we let Steph drive back. On the way back I got to sit in the back part, which was great fun. Once we got back to the house Ariana made me go meet her neighbors from Northview Mitchell and Lindsey. They seem nice. Mitchell so likes Ariana, but he's in 9th grade so she says he's too young. But yea, that's about it. Fun stuff man. Good weekend if ya' ask me.

Well I best be off now ya'll. Love mucho. Adios.

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10-03-04 9:21pm

i'm sorry you can't read my journaly thing. it basically just says i think trenton likes you. *evil grin* and random quotes from the weekend which was rocking!! boo yah!! lol luv ya mucho

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10-04-04 4:21pm

oh hi jacqui......i didn't hang out with you on saturday either?! what is up with that

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