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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-4-2004 at 9:06pm
Current mood: artistic
Music: Me, singing Relient K songs... hehe
Subject: Word to your mother G
So as the day of the cathy thing approaches I get more and more nervous. I was majorly freaking out at first, but the more I learned the calmer I got, and now I'm freaking out again. It's like, a month and 6 days away... creepy. It'll be good I guess, to finally be "normal" or whatever, but I don't like surgery. I've had two or three already... but I was lucky enough to be too young to remember... now what. Now I'll be here, I'll know. I don't paticularly like that. But I guess ya' gotta' do what 'cha gotta' do, right? Yea, I'm still freaking out... this should be a fun month.

So yea, today was coolish. Progress reports came out. I'm getting way good grades in everything but chemistry (duh!) and art. The one in art has got to be mega wrong though. I've gotten A's on all but one of my assignments... and that one was just a B. But in chem. I can understand it. I have a B+ but that's just not good enough for me. I'm holding myself to a higher standard this year. I'm determined to get good grades this year. Nothing below an A-. I wanna' see a star by my name on that honor roll list. I know I know, obssesion. But I know I can do it... so when I don't it's just annoying.

So who all's going to homecoming with us? We're going to big boy, as is tradition. So far we have quite a few people. But I'm not even sure if I know all of them, I need to make a list or something. Any one who want's to join us let me know and I'll tell ya' the details. Oh, guess what?! Jenny's going!! We finally talked her into it. We're in the process of talking Heather into it. I hope she comes, it'll be tonz more fun with her there! (hope you're reading this het!!)

Well I do believe that's about it on the subjects to write about list. So I should probably go get ready for bed, if I don't sleep soon I may very well pass out. So not enough hours in the night. Oy. So I'll talk to ya'll later then. Love mucho tons.


Hyde, we're gonna' have to play some tennis after school someday... quick before it I can no longer be hyper-active! lol. Adios, again.
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10-05-04 3:13pm

jacqui, you're surgery will go absolutely positively perfect!! i promise. so don't worry. oh how long are you gonna be down and out? *i know you can't play for three months but i mean in like school.*
I am going to homecoming but i prob. won't go to big boy.
yes yes yes tennis GOOOD
Go you on your grades-ness

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