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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-9-2004 at 11:52am
Current mood: blah
Music: the bubbling of my dr. pepper.
Subject: yay.
This week was okay. Nothing special at all. It went really fast though. That's pretty cool, I hate slow weeks. So annoying.

I'm so excited for next week. I love spirit week SO much. It's the coolest thing ever, although this years days kinda' suck. We have clash day every year, it gets old fast. Oy vay. But yea, whatever. It'll still be fun.

So, last night I went bowling with some friends. It was fun. I hope everyone else thought so too. Steph had fun... but she's reluctant to admit this because she didn't really wanna' go. She's so weird about that kind of thing. I guess Steph and her friends are going bowling after homecoming, I was gonna' go, but the more I think about it the more I'm not sure. I love her friends and I love to bowl... it's just I get the impression that Ariana doesn't want me to go. Which is crazy since she's pretty much my best friend. But yea, I guess I'll just think about it some more.

I'm so glad that Jenny and I have a class together this year. We talked last year, but not nearly this much. It's awesome. We're becoming such incredibly good friends. It's crazy. This year is definetly working in my favor in the whole new friends department.

Mmmmkay so, I am really bored. At four I'm going to a youth group thing. That should be fun, but sad. This is Josh's last outing. It's not even cool. I'm gonna' miss him soooooo much. You have no idea. I love Josh. (Josh is the youth group pastor incase you have no clue what I'm talking about.) I don't want him to move away.

Okay I'm done. I'll c ya'll later. Adios.

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10-09-04 2:09pm

i got my dress for homecoming. its sooo cool. but i still need to get some shoes and tanning stuff. *claps*

um is monday clash/bad hair day? just checking so i don't make a fool of myself.

um i might go to big boy w/ ya. don't know yet.

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Re:, 10-09-04 11:49pm

yes, monday is clash day

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Re: Re:, 10-10-04 10:54am

thanks rob

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