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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-11-2004 at 5:17pm
Current mood: Rockin'
Music: none a'tall
Subject: I am overly happy!!!
Okay so, this weekend rocked my socks!!!!! We went to a youth group thing, it was officially the most fun I have had since... I don't even know when! OMG!! You don't even know. We went to a corn maze then went to Sam's grandparents house and played ghosts in the graveyard and sardeens (is that how you spell it... i really don't know). But yea, it was awesome. We went and played in the barn. They have tonz of hay and a rope swing and a climbing wall. I climbed the wall, it was pretty easy, and got hay everywhere on me including inside my coat and my scarf and my gloves and my vest and shirt and jeans, everywhere. It was SO much fun. Sam and I were throwing hay at eachother and Curtis kept trying to make me fall down the hay pile. Katie did fall and she rolled down like 3 times. It was sooo funny. Then we went and had dinner and when went back to the barn so that Curtis could show us where the best "hay diving" spot was... he jumped off the highest point in the barn into this huge thing of hay. It was really funny. He came back over by us and the realized that he dropped his keys and pens and such so we went back to look for them. When we found them I decided to throw some hay at Katie, she laughed and then she's like "Jacqui! You are so dead!!", so I ran and Curtis ran with me but there was a hole in the floor with this board half covering it and I saw it and went around but Curtis didn't and he fell right through. Oh my gosh, it was the funniest freaking thing I have ever seen. We made sure he was okay before bursting into laughter and laughing until we cried. It was way funny. Then we went on a hayride around the apple orchard and through the corn fields. We had corn fights and some of the guys played apple baseball. It was great. We just sat there singing youth group songs and country songs, anything we could think of. It was awesome. We went back to the house and ate some donuts and had cyder. It was the best time I've had in months. I love it.

Anyway, today. It was clash day, I almost forgot until we were in the parking lot and I saw someone with bunches of different layers of crazy colored clothes. It was funny. I'm sad though... kinda'. Today was the last day that we got to drive the Falcon. It's getting to be too hard to start up now that it's cold, and since we now have a Trailblazer Stephy and I get the van. Which is semi cool cuz it's WAY easier to park and WAY warmer than the Falcon, but it's so much less fun to drive. Not fair, just can't have it both ways. Oh well, I can't wait to be able to park where normal people who get there the same time as us park. Fun stuff homie.

Yep, that's about it. Another day another thousand stories.

Oh just to let ya' know, anyone who said they were going to big boy with us we're meeting there at 6pm and carpooling from there to the dance. My mom has 7 seats after you take out one for the driver and I think Lauren's mom's gonna' drive too. But I need to know who all's going with us okay? Lemme' know.

See ya'll later. Love ya' mucho.

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10-11-04 6:46pm

maybe probably

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