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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2003 at 6:03pm
so yeah, a picture of mine won a photo contest and is going to be published :0)

its also being advanced to the finals of the international amateur photography competition in the summer of 2003 :0)

i'm just psyched about it getting published! now if i had the $90.00 to buy the book that its going to be published in.... maybe i'll just go to Borders and look at it once in awhile...
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01-27-03 8:26pm

wow vivi, congrats....tell me when it comes out i want to see :)

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01-27-03 8:27pm

hey darling. i haven't seen you in so long. but it's rad to know your photography is getting that far. good luck. <3

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01-27-03 8:48pm

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01-27-03 8:50pm

Good to hear, vivi.
The book is 90 bucks though?
Dang...boggles my mind. Why would an amateur book be 90 dollars?
Do the people that make it understand that amateurs don't have a lot of cash?

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01-27-03 10:24pm

yay for you vi!!! *cheers*

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Amazing picture, 01-27-03 11:11pm

best picture ever, i know you'll win

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whoo!, 01-28-03 1:14pm

-goes out to buy the book, then remembers she lives in canada and doesn't know what it's called-

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