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plainmornings (profile) wrote, on 1-27-2003 at 6:03pm | |
so yeah, a picture of mine won a photo contest and is going to be published :0) its also being advanced to the finals of the international amateur photography competition in the summer of 2003 :0) i'm just psyched about it getting published! now if i had the $90.00 to buy the book that its going to be published in.... maybe i'll just go to Borders and look at it once in awhile... |
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faerythornz | 01-27-03 8:26pm wow vivi, congrats....tell me when it comes out i want to see :) |
myhandsdown | 01-27-03 8:27pm hey darling. i haven't seen you in so long. but it's rad to know your photography is getting that far. good luck. <3 |
Atman | 01-27-03 8:48pm |
Atman | 01-27-03 8:50pm Good to hear, vivi.
sparklemeow | 01-27-03 10:24pm yay for you vi!!! *cheers* |
Anonymous | Amazing picture, 01-27-03 11:11pm best picture ever, i know you'll win |
i_bite | whoo!, 01-28-03 1:14pm -goes out to buy the book, then remembers she lives in canada and doesn't know what it's called- |