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thedarkerside (profile) wrote,
on 1-27-2003 at 5:48pm
Music: none
Subject: Different Subjects this time-
I feel like I almost have to watch myself? I donno.It doesnt feel right..Everything use to feel nice and it was nice. But lately after everything its felt weird. I cant do anything without it being weird..or something happening. I know things have happend mutual things have happend....stuff just doesnt seem like it did before. I'm loosing interest...not like that though..its so confusing. I want to be there.....I want to do what it takes for that matter but I just dont understand why things always turn out the way they do. And i need to stop blaming myself for it because I'm starting to think it isnt my fault anymore.....I mean I've taken blame in the past becasue I thought i was the one who was causing drama....but maybe not. I do think things are going to change rather I like it or not and "stuff" is going to drift apart..but I think it might be for the best. I dont want to have to go though the happy one day and mad the next. Something has to change because I'm getting tired of it.

crymerocket: ooh! i like your pics site :-D
c r az e e baby4: why thank you
c r az e e baby4: lol
crymerocket: your welcome ;-D
crymerocket: :-D*
crymerocket: you're so beautiful.
crymerocket: natural beauty.
crymerocket: i envy it.
c r az e e baby4: ut oh....
c r az e e baby4: Sam...your my new best friend
c r az e e baby4: lol
crymerocket: okay :-D
c r az e e baby4: no one has ever said that to me. I love you!
c r az e e baby4: lol
crymerocket: you can be mine
c r az e e baby4: lol
crymerocket: i love you too ;-D

that was lovely to have a nice convo like that.
Darn.. I should have gone to champion. Ah whatever..chances are that both Kyle and Jesse..(ABU)(Jessi ...Jessie..I'm never going to get his name right) will be there tomorrow so theresa can meet them! Theresa I guarentee you will love them.
I've been wondering what its going to be like, next year. I cant wait really. All the people who I left behind. I really miss Emily out of all of them. She was my best friend. We were so alike in every way it was unbeleiveably..We liked the same clothes..same people same guys..same everything. We went on for hours just talking about clothes in general. I still talk to her online and we've been attemping to hook up sometime possibly at champion to hang with Kyle & (Emily I'm savin that free pass for ya!) We need to hook up soon really soon!

I'm out-

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01-27-03 6:14pm

I'm not looking for negative feedback..hold your breath.

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Re:, 01-28-03 2:52pm

Hunny, you might just be asking for it....

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Re: Re:, 01-28-03 6:20pm


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01-27-03 8:06pm

Nope, no negatives for me. And plus, I can only hold my breath for like 30 seconds underwater. LOL. Anyways, just wanted to say..erm...happy amy day! (I dont know either)

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Re:, 01-28-03 6:19am

LOL how new best friendish of you sam!!!!! Guess what today is though..HAPPY SAM DAY!! lol.

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