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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-13-2004 at 4:28pm
Current mood: cold
Music: The endless chanting of "Toga, Toga" still ringing in my ears
Subject: Happy Toga Day!!
Only two more days before the dance. Boo yah! Today was alright... though I'm not too sad it's over. 4th hour, as always, was the highlight of my day. I love that class. We have so much fun, I am very glad that we sit where we do. Wow that class rocks.

So, districts tonight. Yippee. I get to go freeze my butt of while watching the same show that I watch at all the football games and at Red Flannel. But hey, it's all good. It is semi-funish most of the time.

So, tomorrow's cowboy day. Oh yea, I love cowboys. hehe. I'm super excited, but I'm even more excited that tomorrow means is the last day before color day... which happens to be my absolute favorite day of all. It is so fun filled and everybody's spirited and... there's an assembly. Oh yea!! Shortened classes... boo yah.

Okay, I'm really bored. No one's around. Hmm... what to do, what to do.... No clue, none at all. Bah, it's annoyingly boring just sitting here.

Well I 'spose I'll be off now. Love mucho ya'll.

-Jacqui Jean-

Re, Dinner's at 6 then we're carpooling to the dance.
Het, your parentals don't need to wait as far as I know... as of right now we only have 11 people and we have enough seats... but things change so ya' never know.

C ya' on the flip side loves.
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10-13-04 5:22pm

okley dokley

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10-13-04 7:41pm

i like 4th hour too.......we did pick good seats......we're just all around good


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