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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-14-2004 at 4:24pm
Current mood: complacent
Music: Bootleg
Subject: Save a horse... ride a cowboy.
MMkay so, tomorrow is color day. Boo yah!! I love color day. It's the only day that I know pretty much everyone will participate in... and it's the only day that you can tell who's in what grade. I know exactly what I'm gonna' wear and I cannot wait. Yea yea, I know, I'm a freak. I can live with that.

Robuck, Addison, Rob and I were in the band hallway after school and they were talking about waffle houses. It was funny. I've heard all of the stupid little stories about waffle houses that the band members tell. It's quite funny. But yea, funny stuff. I love hanging out with those people... I think I'd probably die if I were in the actual class but it's fun to be an honorary member. lol.

Ellie is so awesome. She's like my 2nd big sister. She took me to Mickey D's after school and we got food and then came back to my house to eat and we were just talking about school and guys and crap like the whole time. 'Twas fun.

Have you ever heard the song "Treat Me Wrong" by sponge? It fricken rocks!! I love that song so much. It's hilarious. You should listen to it sometime guys... for real.

Well I think that's about it. C ya'll later loves.


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10-14-04 4:58pm

nope never heard it...except when you sing it every day!! lol. j/k jek. luv ya. um..yeah band memebers...terrify me. simply put. i have nightmares of them. especially lol. yeah you know the one. lol.
luv ya

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