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mbenznut (profile) wrote, on 10-14-2004 at 6:59pm | |
This began as a reply to Mike’s comment on the presidential debate, and then continues. I’ll agree that it is a very well worded statement. What I’m worried about is the marriage and general rights part. I’m glad that someone is smart enough to realize that people will always be different from each other no matter what the topic. What I don’t understand is why people don’t support some sort of gay marriage. I don’t care if it’s called marriage (although civil union sounds so mechanical); I just want the right to be legally attached to another. Not so much for commitment, that will be between us, but for the legal rights to be gained by being legally bonded. There are so many benefits for society in general if gay marriage were legal. Just think of all the profits from weddings. Higher sales of wedding items means more jobs. Also by having a legal union, no special laws are needed. We wouldn’t need a law allowing our partner to get on our insurance policies. All the people that complain about special treatment would have to shut up, because no special laws would be necessary. Now for the general stupidity of the voters. #1 I’ve heard people say they’re not voting for Bush because of the Lacey Peterson bill. These people say they’re in support of the bill, but do not want abortion to be illegal. How is this logical, if you make a law saying that it is murder to kill a woman’s unborn baby, does that not include abortions? Can you really make a distinction between whether the baby was wanted or not? #2 People ask the question of how the president is going to solve the gas situation. Gas is a business. The president should not control the price. I’d like someone to take an economics class. If the price is set below equilibrium, a shortage will follow. I do agree that in many cases there is price gouging, but at the moment with the hurricanes down south it does make sense for prices to rise (loss of refineries and a few reserves). #3 What is the president going to do about all the jobs going overseas? Supply, demand, and cost. You want your car to be cheaper? Then it’s going to be made where the labor costs are lowest, while quality and speed of production are still reasonable. By many of these lower level jobs going overseas, it is opening up higher paying jobs. If people were more willing to take advantage of re-education benefits, they would qualify for these jobs. What benefits you ask? If you are laid off due to your job going overseas, you are entitled to two years tuition paid at any state university, and unemployment to cover that time. #4 Why isn’t he offering bigger tax cuts? I have a few questions for you if you’re asking this. When you’re in debt you want to get out of it right? The day after graduation from college will you go out and buy a new car and house? I doubt it. You will live at a style which will afford you the extra money to pay off your debts. If we ever want the government to get out of debt, we need to stop putting high cost demands on it that are not necessary. How many trillion in debt are we? If we get that paid off, we would have a lot more money to go around for all your precious incentives. Does anyone really think that our country’s debt has no interest rate? And no, the rich should not have to pay for it just because they’ve been successful. #5 The people that want to have national healthcare. Germany has it right now, and guess what; they’re trying to get rid of it. It’s costing the government too much money, the tax rates keep rising. You think so what, the taxes are a little higher? Think about this, all of their exports are more expensive because of all the taxes. This in turn means that they are less competitive, and to stay competitive they have to cut their profit margins, giving them less money to develop, expand, and live. I’m sure there are many more, but whatever, I’m tired of thinking. |
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michellestar | 10-14-04 8:43pm solid post Joe |
LoupGarou | 10-14-04 10:35pm Hi! My friend found your entry and showed it to me, and might I say that it's very well-written and I agree with a lot of the things you said there.
Polishpimping | Re:, 10-15-04 1:05am Sound reply unknown stranger.