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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-15-2004 at 3:58pm
Current mood: chipper
Music: GRD Bootleg
Subject: Another day I wouldn't of missed for the world cuz it's mine.
Today rocked so hard!! I just got to sit there and talk to Allyn and Katie the whole time... except the last 10 min. when we checked our papers. And, mrs. Millard said that I can take brit lit. and ap lit. as a senior. Boo yah!!! So I can get back on the advanced thing.. since last year I apperently "didn't show interest in wanting to go to american lit." That's such bullshit. I don't even know. But still, I'm extremely happy right now!!! OH YEA!!!!

I really loved today. The assembly was rockin'. I'm so sitting there, next to the band and screaming my fricken lungs out for our team. They definetly need to win this one. I love football. The games make me happy. Hanging out with friends, watching the guys kick some booty. I just love it. The whole atmosphere rocks!!

I love everything today. I was bouncing off the walls in pretty much every class. Except chem. But I think I got a REALLY good grade on that test. It was so easy. I studied for it, like for real studied. It was so cool, I never do that. hehe. I'm bad I know, but it's just not me to study. I've never been into school and I probably never will be... just how I am. Doesn't hurt anybody... so yea. Whatever.

lalala... I'm so hyper. I need to DO something.

OMG. After school, Steph and I were hanging out in the band hallway with Josh and Kevin and Josh was in the bathroom and lets just say, we could hear all that he did.... So yea, it was kinda' yucky so I started to throw this shoe up against the door and it would just bounce back so I just kept doing it... not like Kevin and Steph wanted me to stop... they were incouraging this the whole time. Okay so, when Josh walked out of the bathroom I threw the shoe again and it hit him and he's like "ow" but he was laughing. It was pretty funny. Steph and Kevin cracked up laughing. Then we were all trying to touch the ceiling but I couldn't. Josh could... I never realized he was that tall. I was like, 'holy cow that kid's tall'. We had fun. Then Kevin asked Josh how tall he was and Josh is like "I don't know, you can measure me when we get home" and Kevin's like "no thanks man". It was fricken hilarious. So then Josh goes "well I couldn't measure you, not enough there" but right as he said it Mr. Pilar walked by and looked right at him. It was so funny!!! I almost died laughing. They both just turned around and walked right back over to Steph and I. It was great. For real, it was.

So yea, that was my funny story for the day. Great fun.

That's all for now folks. Love ya'll.

Happy Homecoming Weekend.

GO HAWKS!!!!!!!!


Hazel- IT'S A GREAT DAY...
US- TO BE A RED HAWK!!!!!!!!
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10-15-04 9:41pm

kevin and josh whom?

that game sucked

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Re:, 10-17-04 3:18pm

yea, it did kinda' suck. but oh well, it was funish.

kevin colligen (sp?) and josh morris

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