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xvivaxlabamxfanx (profile) wrote,
on 10-15-2004 at 10:40pm
Current mood: thoughtful
Music: nothing but silence..
Subject: poseur.
ok.. im getting this "poseur" thing just about everywhere now.. i mean, i don't mind.. it's just a bit confusing. Like, how am i poseur? what are these peoples definition of a poseur? what makes me any different from them? they're just trying to be themselves right? how am i different from that? because i've never heard of a certain band? because i listen to a certain band? (ok, i get the good charlotte thing.. but i like just about every other fucking band that everyone else likes, but i've decided to like GC too.. whats so wrong about that? and if half of them knew what the hell i've been through, and how they unknowingly have helped me through all of it.. and still are, maybe they'd see it a little differently, but probably not since their heads are stuck WAY too fucking far up their asses) and another thing.. i've never had a problem with ANY of these people, and all of a sudden im a poseur and they all hate me for no reason at all, just because im a poseur, which they cant even put a definition on the word. Lets take a look at the dictionary: poseur One who affects a particular attribute, attitude, or identity to impress or influence others. ; A person who poses or attitudizes, esp. mentally. ; a person who habitually pretends to be something he is not ( "poseur")
ok.. yeah, im REALLY dressing like this and forcing myself to listen to this music to impress or influence others.. lemme tell ya! who the hell would i be trying to impress? someone who habitually pretends to be something he is not.. ok, what am i "trying" to be? i see myself.. as.. well.. myself.. who the fuck am i trying to be like? unless i wear the exact same thing you do every fucking day, or listen to the exact same bands as you, then how would i be trying to be you? how would i be defined as a poseur and you wouldn't be? it just doesn't make sense.
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10-16-04 7:17am


Joking lol, you really need to lose the J-script~

Poser is just something losers spurt out because they suck =]

People call me a goth because I like Evanescence, wtf? how long have they been goth? lol

~ Jäy

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hm., 10-17-04 12:12pm

yeah. people used to call me a poseur, and now they don't. maybe it's because i didn't care. Look, don't care what other think of you, let them say whatever they want, and just be yourself. if you act like you don't care, they'll leave you alone...

your journal is cool. hmm... can i have the code to your mouse twirly thing that says "jack....something"? hmm. thanks. i suppose. OH and your thing when you enter your journal its like "leave a comment b4 you leave..." i want that too. thank you.. jack.


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10-17-04 3:47pm

^^ i agree. people just call others posers because they think they're better then them. and if their definition of a "poseur" was someone who listens to the same bands as them or wears the same clothes as they do.. then wouldnt they be a poseur themselves.. hrmph.

dont listen to them, some poeple are just retared. -.-

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10-18-04 6:18pm

Jay.. we can be poseurs together!!!! lmao
lose the j-script.. the thinger that pops up? yeah.. it bugs me too.. lol

katie - i dont really care either.. its just that whole "broken record" thing.. it just gets old and annoying.. ive been getting it for about 2 years now.. its died down a couple of times but then it comes back stronger.. but llike always i dont let it faze me.. its annoying, but i could care less about it coz im not letting it bother me and im not letting it get in my way of everything else.
the mouse swirly thing.. umm.. i cant get the code in here, but theres this site thats linked through the link will say something about making a cool site.. go there and you'll find it. and the "leave a comment before you leave it a J-script.. what Jäy is talking about above.. it gets on my nerves but i think you can find the code on that site too.

brokend0lls - i dont listen to them.. they think they are more supierior because they are older and have "supossedly" been the way they are they're whole lives. People have a right to change their mind and not be judged about it.. dont we? and if im basically just like them, they yes, that would basically make them a poseur too.. dont you just love the whole "coming back on them" thing? lol

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Re:, 10-24-04 1:21pm

haha, i sure do!

by the way, how did you align your journal table to the left? id really appreciate it if you would tell me. thanks in advance. <3

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Re: Re:, 10-25-04 12:06pm

ok.. i just tried putting it in here.. and it made this page align and wouldnt let you see the code.. im not smart enought to know how to put the code in here w/o it doing it..
if you understand what im going to say, then youll get it.

heres the basic code
"table {width: 45%; margin-right: 55%;}table {width:45%; border: 0;}
table table {width: 100%; margin:1; border:1px #ffffff; }"

minus the quotation marks.. now put before it the word style in front of it like this:
"<" style ">"
(minus the quotes and spaces) then at the end, add a "/" before the "s"

((hope this works!!))

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-25-04 9:59pm

yeah it worked. you're awesome!

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-26-04 7:23am

lmao, thanks! ^_^

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Hey, 10-19-04 4:59pm .. email me the list.. and im going to bring your cd on thruday or friday.. cuz my cousin stole the one i had and i need to get more cds .. so yeah.. i will talk to you later .. mandee x3 lynn is my screen name.. Amanda

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OMG!, 10-25-04 8:19pm

love the layout. thats my favoritest movie in the whoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooole world. - stephie`

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Re: OMG!, 10-26-04 7:23am

lol thanks. i love it too.. well.. thats why its there.. heh ^_^

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