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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-19-2004 at 4:44pm
Current mood: just lovely, and yourself?
Music: microwave
Subject: Live Strong!
Okay, I'm annoyed. I REALLY wanted to play indoor tennis, like really a lot... but I can't. Sometimes it just sucks being the abnormal kid. Sheesh. But hey, at least I only have to wait a couple months. By softball conditioning time I'll be all better. Thank the lord.

Today was semi-good. I really wasn't awake until 5th hour. We watched James and the Giant Peach en espanol but it had english subtitles. It was fun... I just layed on the floor next to the couch and payed attention to the movie when I felt the need. It was very happy.

La lala lala lala. I'm really quite hyper right now. I should be copying down the amendments I need for government tomorrow... but I don't wanna'. Just too darn lazy. That and I pretty much know them... it's not that difficult.

Ya' know, I was thinking about it last night and I'm gonna' have a really hard senior year. Or at least not as easy of one as I'd have like to have. So far I have 2 english classes, a social studies class, spanish and trig/pre calc. It's crazy. I'm gonna' have one hour to do something fun... how dumb is that?! I mean come on. Oh well, what can ya' do?

Okay I think that's it. I think. I love you all. Adios.

-Def Jac-
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10-19-04 7:19pm

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Re:, 10-19-04 7:20pm

sry bout that.

i am gonna have like four A.P. classes our senior year and a foreign language and yearbook (if i don't get kicked out). so yeah i know how ya feel

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Re: Re:, 10-19-04 8:52pm

if i'm editor i'm kickin you out!

hehe just kidding heather

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-19-04 9:23pm

please don't kick me out allie. dude if you don't make editor i'll be mad. you deserve it more than anyone.

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-19-04 10:07pm

awww you rock heather


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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-20-04 5:03pm

he he we're having a conversation on jacqui's journal

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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-20-04 8:21pm

it's quite amusing actually. lol

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