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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-20-2004 at 7:54pm
Current mood: thirsty
Subject: Spanglish rocks!!
I had a happy day. Very happy. No purpose or reason for this insane level of happiness, it's just there. I love it. I love being happy. It doesn't happen nearly enough with most people.

I feel bad for Jenny. No one will get a clue and just shut up. Hello people, rumors= not true. That would be why we call them rumors. But if you must spread them at least ask the person involved if it's really true first. Ugh.

Okay, now that I'm done with my preachy thing.... I'm actually quite bored. Actually, yea, right. I'm always bored. And people say that I'm easily entertained... psshh, losers.

La la la la la la.

Necesito jugar desportes. No me gusta tener tan mucho tiempo. Es muy horrible.

Don't ya' just love how I randomly switch languages?? lol. Keeps life interesting. Gotta' love that now don't ya'?

Well I think I'm done chatter-boxing. I love ya'll mucho. Adios.

-Jacqui Jean-
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10-21-04 4:04pm

oui ce'st tres fun to switch languages porque es muy confusing. adios.

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