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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-21-2004 at 4:45pm
Current mood: pleased
Music: People who live with me.
Subject: Yo quiero comida.
Hola! Que pasa? Nada mucho aqui. Yo feliz mucho! Today was rockin' awesome. First hour was cakeish, 2nd hour was easy(as always), 3rd hour we just took notes the whole time (which I think we may just be done with, at least for the first section), 4th hour London didn't make us do anything so we just sat there silently studying or sleeping or doing whatever else we wanted to do... it was awesome. 5th hour we did translations, read Pobre Ana (stupid book)and did a worksheet on it. 6th hour I basically just sat there trying to think of new ideas for my logo. I loved the one Steph drew for me, it looks like a face but it uses my initials... it rocks, but Dufty said it was too cleche. Bah. I REALLY wanted to do that one. I certainly couldn't come up with anything better, but no of course not. Gah, that sucks. So I was trying to get Dufty to help me with it but he kept changing the subject and we ended up talking about dumb stuff... which wasn't bad, it just wasn't helpful. So Ryan, being the only one who was paying the least bit of attention to my mental breakdown, drew me a logo which I thought was pretty cool. So I asked Dufty if I could do that and he said yes. So now I'm working on tweaking it so that it's "my own" and it expresses my personality. I think the colors will help with that but yea, that's my art story for today.

My kitty is being freakish... I think she might die. Then we could get a dog!! That sounded meaner than I wanted it too. I love her, I just like dogs more. They tend not to hiss at you and your friends as much as cats do.

"Oye como va..." ya' know, that song's a lot better now that I know what it means. It makes me happy.

Well I must go, Gilmore Girls is on now. Yay!! Adios loves. Have a dandy day.

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10-21-04 5:46pm

kill the cat...

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Re:, 10-22-04 9:03pm

i can't, i feel too evil just thinking about it.

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