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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-22-2004 at 8:46pm
Current mood: meh
Subject: Read Heather's Dennis Miller quote... it rocks!
Okay, I need to do some of the essays that I've been avoiding for so long. Some of them are not doable anymore. That's just not good... either way I have to look at all twelve hundred and five of them so that I can see which ones I want to do. That's dumb. Bah, oh well.

Okay, tomorrow is Kourtney's parentals 25th anniversary party which I am going to and at which I will be forced to hang out w/ Kourtney and Brittany Themm. Now I don't really dislike either of them, but they aren't my friends by any means. I just hope it's not too bad... I love Rip and Kenda so either way I'll deal.

Guess what!? I can officially play 6 notes on the clarinet. Not well, mind you, but I can do it. And I don't even squeak it... most of the time. It's really fun... I think I like that more than the flute. But all in all, I'm a drummer. That's life. It's just way cool to play the clarinet. I feel so... instumental. lol.

Oh by the way, happy almost mole day! Jungkind surprised us today with donut holes and oreo cookies. It was very happy. He even brought us milk! I love that class. Well, I love that class for everything but the subject that I am taught. I suck majorly at science. MAJORLY.

Well I better get to gettin'. Hope our football team isn't getting completely crushed by Wyoming Park, or maybe I should say I hope the weren't completely crushed. Either way. Go hawks!!

Love you all deeply mucho.

-Jacquelyn Jean-
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10-23-04 12:50pm

where did ya say those essay thingies were at?


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Re:, 10-23-04 4:07pm

they're at it's a scholorship website... you sign up and they give you scholorship oportunities. cool beans.

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