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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 10-24-2004 at 9:20pm
Current mood: confused
Random thoughts are running through my head… Jason is sitting here trying to copy DVD’s. We’re both new to this and trying to figure out which programs we like, its been rather amusing. Former roomies. What should I take for the next step? Do I continue to try and reason, or just go to court? Work. I really don’t like it anymore. I love some of the coworkers, but I’m not really feeling all that into the job anymore. New cute guy in receiving, that’s helping some. How in the hell is Fras pronounced Fraise? Am I picking the right course for my future? Is this really what I’ve been wanting? Do I even know what I really want? How do I want to proceed? Is my lack of romantic relationships offset by my close friendships? Are my friendships really that close? I need to figure out a way to stabilize my moods. As of yet I haven’t been able to accomplish what I feel I’m looking for, in general, in life.
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10-24-04 9:56pm

Just to be different, I'm going to answer these from end to beginning:

-Don't engage/reinforce the parts the moods you don't like (as in ignore them... it's not easy)
-As long as you have a couple strong friendships, and make some decent contacts along the way, you're fine.
-Yes, it does offset it (it just doesn't feel that way).
-Don't try to control the situation too much, just make some good choices and hope for the best.
-Does anyone?
-I don't know, is it?
-There is no one specific course. Everything is reversible.
-Frasier is how you pronounce his last name, and if you drop the "er" you end up with the same phonetic root "Fras" hence our spelling. It doesn't make much phonetic sense, but that's true for a good portion of the English language.
-Menards sucks.
-Take 'em to court. At this point in the game, it's just as much about principle as it is about money.
-Freakin' copyrighted material, bustin' my balls...

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10-25-04 2:19am

Wow Joe, readint that entry was like reading my mind. Except for some specific names and a couple details, that was exactly how i have been feeling all weekend...oh and I think that if you can just talk to them, maybe out of court would be better, but if that isnt at all possible, make the fuckers PAY!

heart you!

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