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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-26-2004 at 7:11pm
Current mood: anti-busy
Music: Goo Goo Dolls
Subject: Why can't the moon stay full forever?
Okay so here's what I haven't told ya'll yet.

Saturday: I went to Rip and Kenda's anniversary party. It was a lot better than I thought it would be. I danced a lot. It was weird hanging out with my cousins. I don't normally do that... well at least not those cousins. But yea, I have a lot more family then I thought I did. Craziness man, craziness. After we left the party I went w/ Steph, Larrissa, Ariana and Nicole (Ariana's cousin) to see Shark Tales. Good movie. Quite hilarious.

Sunday: I went to my grandparents house and helped them clean out the "wood room" in the basement so that they can remodel. It wasn't fun... but it passed the time. Then I went to Katie's baptism. It was funny as heck. Zac decided to come but didn't tell Katie that and swore me to secrecy. Pretty much everyone but Katie knew and she was so mad! It was funny. She wasn't really mad, just surprised. She liked that he came... and she was happy in the end. Anyway, the service was interesting. I'd never been to a baptist church before... well youth group but not the actual service. They sing a lot. It was fun though. We sat w/ the Eary's. I was so glad we found someone that we knew. Sam and I were whispering back and forth through the whole thing. Great fun. Although it was sad, it was Josh's last day. I almost cried. I love Josh.

Monday: Nothing too eventful. I was a total clutz for no apparent reason. Ariana and I hung out together after school. She's crazy... I love it.

Today: I had a semi-okay day today. After school made me happy. The actual school day kinda sucked. I was half sleeping on the floor in Millards' class. I stole Katie's hoodie and used it as a pillow. I love having slow people in my class. I get done super fast and have plenty of time to just chill. It's greatly happy. Yea, I don't really like this government project too much. It's quite dumb really. But if you happen to walk past London's room look on the door. That's where our groups posters went. VOTE POPTART!!!! I love that. Our whole campaign is hilarious. Anyway... yea, today was pretty good.

After school I played some tennis with Hyde. It was greatly fun. I like hanging out with her. I can tell her anything. Unless of course it has to do with who her twin is. lol. Just kidding Het, I love ya'.

I have to come up with some ideas for our commercial. Jamie volunteered me. Sometimes I just wanna' smack that kid... but then I don't... he's just so lovable. lol. I'm in a really giggly mood. Have ya' noticed?? hehe. Yea. But I had fun today... so why not.

Okay GooGoo Dolls are officially my favorite band in the world. I cannot stop listening to their CD and it never gets old. Not ever. It's so cool.

Well I suppose I should go now. I don't want to... but I should. I'll talk to ya'll later. Rock on ya'll.

Mucho Amor!!

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10-27-04 5:31pm

awww i luv you too Jekyll. and i can tell you anyting...i fact i can. and don't tell anone about that

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Re:, 10-27-04 5:36pm

i meant in fact i did... screwed that up a bit eh?

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Re: Re:, 10-27-04 7:13pm

lol, yea but oh well. by that do you mean what you told me??

why is jenny mad at me?? i know she is... she was way too angry looking to not be mad. so yea, i need to know! lol. adios het dear.

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Re: Re: Re:, 10-28-04 4:15pm

yes i do mean what i told you. and i didn't know that jenny was mad at you so kinda confused in that sense. ttyl jekyll

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 10-28-04 8:08pm

she's not mad after all. she was just stressed out. lol. i overreact. but she did seem angry...

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