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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 10-28-2004 at 7:40pm
Current mood: gooda
Subject: brrrrr..................
I'm cold. Brrr. I left early today! It was rockin'. I went to visit Doc Florentine so that he could tell me about the procedure and such. He said I could die. lol. I thought it was funny. I doubt that... there's like a one in a billion chance or something dumb like that. So I'm not too worried. But yea, then I got my blood drawn. I didn't even feel it... they gave me numbing stuff so yea, that's cool. Two weeks from today I'll be all done. Oh, and guess what!? He said I probably would be able to do indoor tennis!!!!! BOO YAH baby! I'm so excited about that. I really wanted to this year, since last year I only got to go once.

Lalala. I'm really quite hyper at the moment. In art today we watched a movie... it was okay. I think I'd give it a 7 out of 10 on the good movie scale. But it was dumb cuz all I could do was sit there... normally I at least get to talk! Sheesh. lol, j/k.

OMG! Guess what!!!!?? The nurse at the doctors office let me choose a sticker and so did the blood drawer lady since I was in the peds section! It was awesome. I got a Bob The Builder sticker and (this rocks so hard) a red sticker w/ a dog that's jumping up in the air and above the dog it says "Yo soy especial". Is that rockin' or what?????!!!!!! I am so in love with that sticker!!! Rock the heck on!

Yea, I'm staying after tomorrow and playing tennis w/ Ariana. Unless it's raining... then we're gonna' hang out inside and talk or something.

I'm talking to Tyler. I love Tyler. I miss him... he needs to come back to Cedar.

Okay I'll talk to ya'll later. Happy almost Friday! Rock on.

Love mucho.

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10-28-04 8:11pm

Aw, you're using an icon I made.

*grins* Thank you.

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Re:, 10-31-04 3:00pm

you are a jolly good icon maker ol' chap! hehe.

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10-30-04 4:19pm

Yay indoor tennis!!!!!!!
if he does it this year....
Yay indoor tennis!!!!!!!

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Re:, 10-31-04 3:01pm

i think we're gonna' have a meeting about it soon. there's a softball one on friday... i think it's friday... but yea. BLOODY FUN STUFF!!

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