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lisa3019 (profile) wrote,
on 10-28-2004 at 10:03pm
Music: Uhh.. Jojo - Baby It's You
Simple things is what my heart beats for...

Today was a day of MASS confusion. I don't know where to being, but we'll start with the morning, when I woke up. I think that's a good place to start.

I woke up, and did not want to go to school. Mainly woke up to my pants full of blood, and my bathrooms empty of tampons.
We couldn't have blood dripping down my leg now can we?

I slept in 'til about 8:00 and then I called my mom and asked her if she would go get me tampons. She got all mad and told me to go down to the nurses when I told her I wasn't in school, and that I was downstairs in the basement.

When she finally ran out and got me tampons, it was almost too late for me to go to school and I was rushing around trying to get ready.

So.. 11:45, I walk into school and Mrs. Bickerton lets me slide, because me and her are tight like that, haha.

As SOON as I walk in, all these people come up to me talkin' how cody and toby are about to fight over me and they're all pissed off at eachother and they're fighting because of me and how i need to talk to them, and all these people are like, "why didn't you tell me cody hits you?!" and im like "cody doesn't hit me!" and they're like, "that's not what toby is saying"...

(To clarify that one up: Cody does not hit me out of anger. He does not hit me to hurt me. He hits me, I hit him back, that's how we mess around, we play rough.)

So... it jsut so happened to be Toby's lunch that I was standing in the middle of, and he comes walkin' up to me, and he's liek "we have to talk", and I'm like, "yeah, i know.. well.. here's the deal.. i don't want to be with either of you," and he's very understanding about it, but Cody comes walking down the steps and around the corner, and he's like, "hey guys, what's up?" and i'm like, "nothin.. except.. i don't... pick either of you", and he's like "fuck you," and walks away. I yelled for him to come back, he flicks me off and says it again.

Me and Toby talked about it a little more, and then decided to walk to 7th period.
On the way to the ramps, we're walkin with Richie, and Cody walks up to us and all was said, he called me and toby names, me and toby tried talking to him, he kept yelling, Mr. Kroskie came up to us and was like, "Let's go, we're going down to the office," and Cody's like, "Get the fuck out of my face!" and he says like, shut the fuck up, and fuck you, and mr. kroskie said he was going to get the cops, but i don't think cody cared, especially when he responded with, "i don't give a fuck, bring 'em!"
So.. Cody says something to me, Toby says, "fuck you," to him, and they both get sent down to the office. So, I'm standing there crying, and some lady walks me to the office.
I walk in the office, and I'm liek bawlin' my eyes out, I'm sure you all saw me, and then Mr. Z comes up to me and he's like, "Lisa, we don't want you in here, get out of here, what are you doing in here?!?!" and i yell back like, "the lady told me to come down here!!! this is where i was sent!" and he yells back, "get out of here, go cry to the counselor!!", so i was like, "what the fuck ever" and walk to the guidance counselor's office.

I talk to Mr. Lancas's intern for a while, and then I tell him I want to see the boys in the office, he tells me that's not possible, and when he does, I tell him I want to see my sister.
He walks out of guidance to find my sister, and I run to the office, but noone was at the front desk.
Mr. Pecshak, or whatever his name is, comes up to me and tells me I'm not allowed to talk to them, and that I have to go sit in his office or go back to class... so I sit with him, and my mom comes, and my sister got suspended, so she goes home, and I make an attempt to go back to class.
I spend the last five minutes in 6th period, and walking to 7th, I got to class and Toby was leaving, because he was getting suspended for about 10 days, and he tells me that Cody is probably getting locked back up.

So I'm crying, and I can't work on my project, so I get a pass to go back to the guidance counselor, and I'm sitting in the cafeteria, and I'm talking to Richie and everyone else, and then I decide I just want to leave and get high.

So.. I left with Adam and Richie when the bell for 8th period rang, and we went to Fayette City,a nd stopped at Toby's house and talked to his mom a little bit, but then me, Adam, and Richie went to Richie's house, and then they Adam went back and got Toby, and then Crystal got off the bus, and then Adam left to take Crystal and Richie to get Richie's hair cut.

So.. I'm on the phone with Cody (and I've been for a while, if we're going in this story's sequence) and he's crying, and I'm crying, and Toby's crying, and his mom is yelling, and he's yelling, and Crystal and Richie are trying to talk to me and Toby, and it was a big mess.

So.. Cody wants me to meet me somewhere. I'm sitting there with Toby, and him and his mom pull up, and pick us up.

Stacy drops me and Cody off at his house, and drives around to talk to Toby.
Me and Cody sit in his living room and talk about everything.

The final descion...
I don't pick either of them.

Me and Cody will eventually be together again, because we sat there crying to eachother the whole time. He kept on sayign he didn't think I liked him at all anymore, because I did this to him, and he was unsure about how long it was going on and everything. I think he thought me and Toby were liek, dating behind his back or something.
I explained to him that I feel bad hurting Toby like this, but I feel bad hurting Cody too, because when Cody hurts, I hurt.
He said he didn't mean to be mean to me, and it's just because he has that anger problem, and that he needs to get put on medicine, and he told me he's nicer to me than he is to his mom, and he told me that he can't be without me, and he doesn't know how I could do this to him and still love him. I told him I didn't know how he could date Caitlin and still lvoe me, and he said, "exactly, that's why me and caitlin dated for 2 days and i broke up with her because i was in love with you." and we cried and stuff, and yelled, and cried, and hugged and cried, and kissed, and cried, and hugged and kissed, and cried.

his mom and toby came home, him and toby cried and hugged, and we all talked to his mom, and we all told jokes, and then me, toby, and cody all went up into his room and chilled.

i am thinking things are going to be alright.. just like i always say they will be.

except that i just got in a big fight with my mom about drugs. she thinks that me smoking weed is going to lead me to bigger drugs, so i'm going to write a big research report for her, she'll love it.
she says i'm "being smart," but i'm trying to prove my point.
i'm sure you all know my point...
*"pothead" is a stereotype. not everyone who smokes weed does other drugs. it doesn't make everyone lazy, i do my most productive things when i'm high, and have my most intellectual conversation when i am high. it is not addictive, and everyone does it, but not everyone is an asshole, or stupid, about it. i don't grow it, sell it, buy it, carry it, or waste my money on it. i don't ever get in trouble with/about it. i do good in school, i'm friendly, i get good grades, i don't get in trouble, i don't smoke cigarettes, drink, or do drugs, i'm a good kid. i wish peopel would understand before they judge me. that's all. peace.
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10-29-04 3:19pm

hey, send me that report after you're done writing it.. lol!


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