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glitterkisses (profile) wrote,
on 11-1-2004 at 5:53pm

So I checked all my grades today and they're all up there. :) yay! The only classes I was too concerned about were Yearbook and Anatomy, but suprsingly I have a C+ in Anatomy and it'll go up tomorrow after my test, and yearbook I finished my photo project so now I have a 94 which I believe is an A. Bomb, I had an okay day. I was just relaly sleepy, and some ppl were really pissing me off. I hate jerks, I really do. I'm only mean to ppl who are assholes to begin with, I'm never mean to innocent, sweet, nice ppl. It espically pisses me off when ppl are mean to my friends, that just rubs me the wrong way, and saying shit about them and their sanity, ugh strikes a nerve and I honstly almost socked you in the face. No one talks about my friend, or any one of my friend slike that. No one. I don't who the hell you are. You can kiss my ass if you're going to be like that, and if you think you can just get away with being an ass and doing that shit you're Sadly SADLY mistaking, because that's it once you've blown it, you're outta the picture. After all the shit I dealt with last year, NO ONE will walk all over me and get away with it. I hold grudges, and thats it. It's done. People need to learn to keep their God damn mouths shut espically about people they don't even know, let alone what's going on with them.

***********************************God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change those I can,and the wisdom to know the difference*
So my birthday is in ten days. Woo I'll be 16 woot woot! lol Wow that's pathetic, and I won't even be able to drive, so I'm going to be depressed. Good thing my brithdays on a Thursday and we have the following Friday off. I'm going to party like mad, have my own party lol :) So you better not forget my Birthday is the 11th of this month! I WILL LOVE ANYONE FOREVER IF THEY GET ME A PUPPY (PREFARBLY A GOLDEN LAB, BUT A PUPPY OF ANY KIND WORKS FOR ME ;) LOL THANX. Get right on that ;)

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11-01-04 7:08pm

My birthday is the 14th of this month and I'm turing 15 finally!

I know how you feel, being the youngest in my grade sucks.



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Re:, 11-01-04 7:09pm

yeah it really sucks and i haven't even started drivers traning :(

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Re: Re:, 11-02-04 7:14pm

I started along time ago lol.


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11-01-04 7:34pm

You would love that person for getting you the puppy and then hate my dad for what he would do. I would love for you to be able to get a puppy jess but its not gonna happen. I want one to damn it but you know my dad. I love you and I will try and get ya something just as great!

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