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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-2-2004 at 6:58pm
Current mood: bouncy
Subject: GO BUSH!!!!!!!
I am so hyper, it's crazy! For real. I stayed at school today until like 4:15... it sucked. I hung out w/ Jenny, Allie, and Shelly it was fun... until they left. I was alone for about a half an hour. Bah... I hate being alone at school. It's just plain creepy! Plus, Mr. Robuck left early to vote (for Kerry... grrrrrrrr) so I didn't even get to hang out with the band people like I usually do. It was SO not cool.

La la la. OMG. Ariana reminded me, the 10th is the anniversary of "the accident" and that's just sad. She was going crazy because she said it'll be harder to think about it w/ me not there. I kinda' felt loved, but mostly I felt bad for her. Pobrecita.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Smallville is on. My gosh I love that show!!!!! Later loves.

-Jay Bean-
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11-02-04 7:24pm

what is the accident?

(reply to this)


11-02-04 7:56pm

tell us about this "accident"

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11-03-04 3:09pm

and the accident would be.....

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11-03-04 4:06pm

i wanna know!! heyy...I like Kerry...

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