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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-6-2004 at 8:37pm
Current mood: slightly tired
Music: Most outrages game show moments 3
Subject: "My stupid mouth, has got me in trouble. I've said too much again." -John Mayer
Yesterday was awesomely fun. I saw 'The Incredibles' with Jenny and Ariana. It was rockin' good. The funniest movie I've seen in a long time. For real, if you haven't seen it yet, you should!

So today I basically just cleaned. I made my part of the room all purty and I cleaned the bathroom (icky!) and I mowed the lawn. So now I have a total of $11! Woohu!! lol. Well, I will at least, once I get payed. But yea, it's better than the 5 dollars I had yesterday... so I'm happy.

I can't wait for tomorrow. I'm gonna' have a couple people over to hang out and such. Should be quite fun. yay! I haven't just had my friends over to hang out in forever. Normally we go to a movie or go to some event or something. We rarely just chill. Should be fun and interesting.

Well, that's about it. Love to you dears.

-Jacqui Jean-
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11-07-04 11:29am

i wanna see Incredibles SOOOOO BAAAAAD!!!
hey i mowed too ...imagine that!!!!

see ya in ha three hours.

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11-07-04 6:57pm

Yeah! Well.. I saw Shrek 2.

The Incredibles looks funny, though.

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