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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-8-2004 at 4:20pm
Current mood: chipper
Subject: 1 more day...
I was so hyperactive today! For real. I think it might just have been my overtiredness but it was nuts.

Yesterday rocked my socks. Jen and Heather came over and we laughed like, the whole time. At one point Jenny started laughing really hard and she sounded like a hyperventalating mouse! lol. Which obviously made a Heather laugh and she was shaking (because she always does when she laughs) so Steph and I started cracking up! It was awesome. For real. They scared me by turning the lights in the living room off and holding up this fiberoptic stick thing. It was creepy, cuz Jen was on one knee with her head all bowed and stuff. My gosh it was scary. But yea, fun stuff. Rob stopped by for a little bit... but he had to work so it was only like, a half hour.

Well guys, there's only one more day until the cath. Tomorrow I have a feeling I'll be freaking out majorly. So I apologize in advace if I act weird. Bah... I'm scared. I feel so loved though! Bunches of people are gonna' come visit me!!! How cool is that? I would so do the same thing for them, but I hope I never have to!

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Love mucho ya'll. Have happy days.

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11-08-04 7:25pm

i'm sorry i'm not coming to visit you but i'll be thinking about you ALLL DAY LONG!!!! I LOVE YOU JEKYLl

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