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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-11-2004 at 11:15am
Current mood: meh
Subject: I'm home!
Well guys, I'm alive. Only problem is, I'm no better off than I was before. I have about 1000 spots in both my legs where needles were and 1 spot on each that is huge and yucky where they tried to put a catheter. Problem is, since I had a catheter done when I was a baby I can't now becaue the blood vessels are dead. So I have to go back and do this all over again. I don't know when and I don't know how, I just know that I do. Is that not the gayest thing you've ever heard of? So I thought that the one good thing that would come of this was getting to leave yesterday rather than having to spend the night. Well that turned out all right... but I wasn't allowed to move my legs until 7 cuz they might start bleeding. So when 7 o' clock finally came around I was mucho excited to get up. But when I did I passed out. Yay! So yea, I did not have a good day at all. And I was still not allowed to go to school at all today. Yea, that's fun. So now I'm mad. But I'm excited for school Monday. I want to see all of your shining faces! I missed you all so deeply much, you have no idea. I got WAY too much family time yesterday.

Well I'll talk to ya'll later loves. Rock on da'lings. Chao

-Jeanie Bean-
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11-11-04 3:00pm

awwww Jekyll. WHen you show up at school Monday you are getting the HUGEST of all hugs. Needles suck. I luv you.

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11-11-04 3:56pm

guess who made up with josh? hehehe all is good jay, all is good

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Re:, 11-11-04 4:40pm

... up or out? JOKING JOKING JOKING!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Re:, 11-11-04 8:33pm

lol that's great...i wish it was out

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Re: Re:, 11-11-04 8:48pm

you're naughty! lol.

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11-12-04 4:39pm

owww...I hate needles. I miss you jacque(or however you spell it)especially in chemistry.

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Re:, 11-12-04 8:11pm

aww... i miss you too!!! i cannot wait until monday! yay!!!

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Re: Re:, 11-15-04 6:10pm

yay. I feel so loved!

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