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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 4-28-2002 at 6:17pm
Current mood: quixotic
Music: Goldfinger - I really miss you
Subject: lost in thought..
Today coming home from orchestra, Tal, Eva, Thomas and I were engaged in a very interesting conversation. An IB thing most definately lol Anyways.. we were discussing ignorance and the poem "Much Madness is divinest Sense."
The poem:

Much Madness is divinest Sense-
To a discerning Eye-
Much Sense- the starkest Madness-
'Tis the Majority
In this, as All, prevail-
Assent-and you are sane-
Demus-you're straightway dangerous-
And handled with a Chain-
~Emily Dickinson

Anyways, the poem states a paradoxical proposition, insanity or craziness is the good sense and the good sense is insanity. Therefore the "bad" sense is sanity. This poem alone inspired me to tear absolutely everything philosophical apart this past month. I have begun to question many different things. Two topics that I especially focused on were Ignorance, and norm. In a world full of ignorant people, are you, the less ignorant the one who is focused on as ignorant? (Gives you something to think about huh?) Hehe I bet Ms.Zappolo is going to love us next year :) TOK here we come!! haha With all seriousness though, think about it, you may find that it opens new horizons.
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quixotic?! plagiarist!, 04-28-02 7:43pm

Firstly, you stole my trademark mood! Secondly, where did this breakthrough profoundess come in? Vivi the outlier may just be turning into XplanatorE the IB geek...

join the club

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hehe, 04-28-02 8:35pm

hey i like that idea....insanity=good and sanity=bad....thats AWESOME!!! woohoo!!!

see im proof insanity is good =)

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