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box (profile) wrote,
on 11-15-2004 at 3:45pm
So yea im fuckin pissed.. this morning i shot a 6 point buck.. and i cant find the fucker.. i tracked it for a good 2 hours or more and the blood trail just stopped. So i think i may have just wounded it.

Might be going up north to baldwin to hunt so i prolly wont be in school for a few more days.
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11-15-04 4:35pm

So do I need to ride the bus tomorrow?

Let me know.

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Re:, 11-15-04 6:31pm

Yea, i almost forgot about that. Yea me and aj want to get out to our blind before it is light out so yea sorry i cant give you a ride tomorrow.

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Re: Re:, 11-15-04 7:09pm

That's all right. Just tell me whenever you can.

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