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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-15-2004 at 4:38pm
Current mood: cold
Subject: brrrr... *shivers*
It is freezing in this house! I don't even know how it can possibly be this cold. I have come to the conclusion that I need my lisence. Bad. This whole not being able to drive myself places thing sucks! Blahg. Oh well, only 4 months and 4 days. Woohu!!

So today was pretty good. My legs hurt super bad from sitting down for so long and then standing. Although Josh drumming on me didn't help that much. lol. But yea, still a good day.

Well I'll talk to ya'll later. Have a beautiful day. Chao.

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11-15-04 6:11pm

I hate the cold....come to think of it....its cold over here too.

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11-15-04 6:20pm

Yeah, it's damn cold in my house too.

Yuck. I hate it.

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11-15-04 6:33pm's so close

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Re:, 11-15-04 8:39pm

oh i know! unless you were being sarcastic... in which case i'd like to know why you're mad. lol.

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Re: Re:, 11-16-04 4:25pm

lol i was being serious!!. and i'm not just sarcastic when i'm mad....okay usually. but i was being serious. lol. :)

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