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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-24-2004 at 10:07am
Current mood: crazy
Music: Crazy Mary
Subject: Happy Day before Thanksgiving!!
Yep, I'm at la casa de mi abuela. I'm probably gonna' get my hair cut today... I need to. Not too short though... probably shoulder length... some layers... generlized stuff.

It must just be the time to change journal looks. Ron, Cherie, and Sam did plus I did yesterday. Crazy crap man.

We just made a cake... it's good. Well, the batter is good. I dumped some in the pan, but made sure there was some extra and we ate it. YUMMY!!

Well that's about all for me. Hope everyone has a happy weekend and Thanksgiving.

Rock on. Love ya'll mucho. Peace.

-Jacqui Jean-
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11-24-04 11:37am

Heh, I change mine about once a week.

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11-24-04 6:28pm

I never change mine...and it still looks pimp.

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11-24-04 9:22pm

eh, guess i'm a loser but i really like mine as it i'm leaving it..allison the loser


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Re:, 11-25-04 8:23pm

you're not a loser. you're boring... there's a difference.

j/k j/k j/k!!! i love you al.

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