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babaloo181 (profile) wrote,
on 11-26-2004 at 8:46pm
Current mood: happy
Music: baby it's you by jojo
Subject: wat a good day :D
aww today was awesome! colin's parents told him i could come over from 4-6 .. and so i did... it was really nice.. we played another game of scrabble.. he's such a sore loser.. haha... he's like i dont wanna play wit u anymore! ::pout:: hehe.. i whooped his ass.. 185-165 haha... it was funny... we went out to his backyard and went on the swings and talked and stuff... aww i missed having him around so much man... and then after that we went on the pool deck and like found a spot where his parents couldn't see us.. and we kissed.. it was like the first time we had gotten to kiss for real in like months.. cuz before it was just like quick pop kisses so no one could see... but yea it was really nice... aww i wish he didnt have to leave... im gonna miss him so much.. and he makes me so happy when he's around... hopefully ill get to go see him tomorrow too.. i hope so.. he leaves sunday morning.. which really sucks.. oh yea i forgot to tell u guys.. i got my track physical on wednesday... my doctor told my mom to like watch out for me cuz he swears im like anorexic... which is bullshit but w/e... i eat like a pig! .. but i weigh 107 now... he told me that if i lose weight ima be underweight.. it's so weird cuz like.. i dont look like i weigh that little at all.. but w/e... track starts tuesday.. i wanna buy me some sweat pants... hopefully i can do that before tuesday... fuck i was talkin to michael and someone called for my grandma and i told him to call me back in 15 min but.. she's still on the god damn phone haha.. and colin's gonna call me later tonite after he watches a movie wit his lil sister...alritey well buhz byez everyone.

tonite's song: sunshine by lil' flip
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11-27-04 8:07pm

hehe yey for so happy for you guys....i wish he could stay here to because you seem so much happier with him around......oh wellz.....he should be here for the summer right? and x-mas......hmm lets hope*crosses fingers*hehe

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