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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 11-29-2004 at 4:22pm
Current mood: blah
Music: Maroon 5: She will be loved.
Subject: Stupid school.
Yea, so I have to write a formal essay on stem cell research for english. It's so gay. I'm for it, obviously, but there are some bad parts and I don't know. I can see both sides. It's gay. So yea, the introduction is due tomorrow and I need a rockin' quote for the attention grabber. (I always use quotes... it's a thing.) Essays are so fun, but formal essays mega suck. Blahg.

In art we're doing this project w/ 2pt perspective.... it's WAY easy!! I love it. Finally, something in that class that comes easily.

Well, I'll talk to ya'll later. Gotta' get going on that essay.

Chao homie

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11-29-04 4:32pm

Dude, how freaky is that. I always use quotes as an attention getter too!! Luv ya Jaq, and i'm sorry i can't stay after tomorrow.

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Re:, 11-29-04 4:35pm

whoa! mega cool man!! lol. no big that you can't stay. wednesday is gooda tambien.

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11-29-04 6:22pm

OH MY GOSH! i know!! how the hell do we write a opinion essay formally? ahhh i don't get's harder for me because i don't like to tell people what to think and it's funny because sam is way for it and i'm way against it and we help each other all the time, too funny, but still it's hard

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Re:, 11-29-04 8:31pm

nice. yea, i'm for it. at least for the essay. outside of this writing i am just majorly confused.

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Re: Re:, 11-29-04 8:33pm

i should've just written it for because it's a lot harder to do against, she even told me this

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Re: Re: Re:, 11-29-04 8:46pm

yea, at least when you're for you have his info. on your side. maybe the stories will be more useful... you could always use the whole "knowledge w/o wisdom equals destruction" thing...

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Re: Re: Re: Re:, 11-29-04 8:54pm

well she really likes my two main points so i'll stick with those and have her help me through the story part...god this sucks

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11-29-04 9:23pm

I get what you all are saying, but for me its not that bad, the thing i complain about is that i can be lazy and not want to spend time doing it. Of course though I will. Lol

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