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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-2-2004 at 7:55am
Current mood: mellow
Music: classmates
Subject: At School
Yea, I'm in the computer lab for english. Thing is I'm done with my paper. I just get to sit here and hang out now! Yay!! I wish we were in the library though, then I could read my book. Now we're all here and it's really distracting. I'll end up reading it anyway though most likely.

So I have to re-type my paper. I'm glad that Mrs. Millard read it. Now I know all the things that I need to change from a teachers point of view. Woohu! Sorry, I'm obsessive about english. It's my favorite subject, so I have to get really good grades in it or I'll freak out. hehe. Yea, that's me for ya'. Obsessive.

Well I suppose I should leave now. Party on ya'll. Rock.

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12-02-04 1:04pm

lol me and allison just got done too.. w/ nothing to do.

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Re:, 12-02-04 1:11pm

yep yep yep

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12-02-04 2:27pm

Hi Jekyll-mo. Well i have four minutes till the bell rings so i'm gonna talk to ya in a while

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Re:, 12-02-04 3:41pm

Yeah that ^ was me. But I told you that already and i said Jekyll which Allie does not so yeah.

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