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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-7-2004 at 4:27pm
Current mood: it swings
Music: The Killers - Somebody told me
Subject: Happy Birthday Allison!!!
Yea, the new woohu is interesting. Crazy, but I like it.

So I went to the band concert last night. It was good. Very fun filled. At the end we all sang silent night. 'Twas a party times 10. Afterward we went to Big Boy and then Steven walked in and then Ann and Alice came, and then Jenny came. It was so cool. Yummy food man. Grrreat! hehe.

Guess what?! I finally got to drive the hover-round today! How freakin' awesome is that? I was sitting in it and I asked Moredyke if I could drive it and he said yes! I was sooo happy. :) For real, times, like, 20 and a half! Fun fun stuff.

In art, Dufty's letting me draw a room instead of my real two point project because I thought it'd be fun. I love him. Plus he said he'd give me extra credit since this is harder! Boo ya baby! lol. Sorry, I'm just excited.

So did everyone have a good day that will live in imfany? I thought it was okay. This morning I just about shot some people though. Then in geometry Alex and Logan were being dumb. Funny dumb though. They were telling me about a hundred ways that I could kill someone. When I asked them how they knew they said "grand theft auto" so I no longer approve of that game. Of course they also stole some ideas from "Saw". It was crazy. But anyway, since I completely ignored Neier and everything he said Katie was basically on her own with the answers. And ya' know the gay part? Two of the questions we got wrong, I had said the right answer and no one believed me. I was pissed. We got a hugely bad grade. Way worse than normal at least. It was super gay. Oh and in english we're working on a group assignment for our poetry thing and Katie and I got put in a group with these three incredibly obnoxious people. We are the only ones who actually work. I swear. I apologize if I bit anyones head off this morning, but I really didn't realize I was. I was a tad stressed out.
So yea, that's my wonderous morning. Gotta' love it.

I suppose I should go now. I'll talk to everyone tomorrow. Chao.

Love mucho,
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12-07-04 6:35pm

thanks jay love ya mucho

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12-08-04 6:36pm

I have that cd. Well md has that cd and I burned it. Tis a great cd.

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