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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 12-8-2004 at 9:02pm
I think I’m in a good mood now. Talked with Josh today. A lot of it went very poorly, but I think we’re finally to a point of being semi-friends again. I’ll have to see how the future goes.

Jason, stay in Kalamazoo. I don’t want to try finding another roommate that I can be friends with. It’s too difficult.

Two finals tomorrow. One I’m worried about, the other I should be able to figure out. The girls are having their dinner, but I have to work. Hopefully company is still around by the time I get out.

Hanging out with Katie this weekend, I haven’t seen her for quite a while.
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12-08-04 10:23pm

Oh we'll be here. You're welcome anytime ^_^ Good luck on your finals.

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