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plainmornings (profile) wrote,
on 1-30-2003 at 9:15pm
Current mood: bouncy
Subject: heh you know what I mean ~ Ashley
Compliments of *MY* Chris <3 heh Ashy & I are still right though, its a HUGE scam to get girls to do more sexual favors :0P

You may have noticed a distinct bluish tinge to your testicles after you make out for several hours -- and the deep, most uncomfortable ache that goes along with it.

Actually, it's not your testicles that are blue, it's the skin of the scrotum. When you're aroused, blood flows not only to the penis, but to the entire area.

The longer you stay aroused, the longer the blood stays there. Newer blood is red, but older blood, which has less oxygen, is blue -- and that's why your testicles appear to contain more blue blood than Buckingham Palace.

It's not harmful, so don't run to the emergency room. If it lasts for hours and hours after you've stopped being aroused, though, see a doctor. Or find socks to match.

* * *
It is not sex that gives the pleasure, but the lover. - Marge Piercy

I'm at Ashy's house not & we're going to St.Augustine tomorrow, yay!
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01-30-03 9:20pm

Whew, thanks for clearing that up. Now I can get my girlfriend to do me again.

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01-31-03 1:02am

so if i said something to the effect of, 'keep suckin, or else you'll hurt me.' you'd have to comply now right?


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wow, 01-31-03 8:15am

so we got a lil urologist thang goin on huh? :P

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01-31-03 10:55pm


not that i looked.

but i have noticed that at certain times, it becomes painful.


menstrual cramps.

women aren't as put upon as some of them think.

things are tough on both sides of the fence.

oh yeah.

and i can get my girlfriend to do me again too.


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