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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-14-2004 at 6:51pm
Current mood: groggy
Music: Someone to Die For -Jimmy Gnecco
So, this week is alright so far. The freezing cold thing yesterday, kinda' sucked. But other than that it's good.

Guess what?! In chemistry Friday we get to have ice cream, play pudgy bunny, and watch the holy grail. I only called it that because I have no idea how to spell the first name. hehe. Yea, I'm dumb. I admit it. But anyway, isn't that rockin' cool?! I think so!!! I'm excited times 12.

Do you know what Cory said to me today? He said, in a sarcastic tone might I add, "wow, you're pretty smart for a blonde..." How not nice is that!!?? Grrr on him. (Cory is Rachel Kulak's little brother, in case you didn't know.) He's always mean to me. I guess it works though... everyone in that class is mean to the others. Quite joyful. *rolls eyes* But I love it. What can ya' do?

Miranda's van is crazy. The thing is WAY huge. It has a fricken bed! If she wasn't such a good girl I wouldn't let her drive it. lol. I just find it funny.

Ya' know what Katie says to me constantly? (Katie Link that is.) She says "Why don't you have a boy friend? You haven't had one since I've known you. You need a boy friend Jacqui." I tell you now, that is about the most annoying thing ever! What if I don't want a boy friend? What if by some crazy chance there are just no guys I'm interested in at this exact moment? Of course that's a lie, but still. It's the principal of the matter here people! Sorry, just had to get that off my chest.

Okay I'm gonna' stop boring you with my life now. Chao amigos. Peace.

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12-14-04 7:15pm

Totally agreeing with you on the boyfriend matter cuz like yeah people say the same thing to me all the time. That and i've never had a boyfriend. *sighs*. Yes it gets INCREDIBLY annoying.

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Re:, 12-14-04 7:23pm

yea, i know. dumb part is, i've only known katie for a year! i mean, come on. blahg. crazy people.

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12-14-04 8:05pm

I know. It does get annoying.

I mean, it feels wonderful to be single. Some people don't need to have a relationship with anybody like that to be happy. It takes a whole lot of stress off of everything, too.

I mean, maybe some time later I'll want a boyfriend. But I'm perfectly fine as I am.

People need to understand that. Ugh. I agree with Heather. It is annoying.

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12-14-04 8:33pm

she should NOT be talking, look at her faggot boyfriend,

-he fucking shaved CS in the back of his head and then shaved it off because no one liked it

-he lets little 6th graders on my bus flirt like mad with him and i mean like honestly, at least 4 girls that are all way little

-he flirts back

but i suppose if they're happy (even though he's way different to me and amanda than her such as humping us and what-not) then let them be happy

no worries my love

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