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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-15-2004 at 8:15pm
Current mood: high
Music: We Are
Subject: They say we're not responsible but we are, we are...
So I went with Steph to some NHS thing tonight. We were suppose to help babysit little kids at beach. (I only went because I got to go out to eat. hehe.) Yea, well it turns out that the little function was canceled but the chick that was running it decided to not tell Mrs. VanDerHeide this. It was quite funny. Anyway, Larissa ended up coming over and we played 3 handed eukre for a while. It was fun.

Did you guys know that beach is carpeted now!? And, they have purple lockers! PURPLE!! How awesome is that?!?! They have green and the redish color that we have too. But purple? Come on! I want purple lockers! They even have a climbing wall in the gym! I had to majorly restrain myself from running in there and climbing it. Way un-fair man.

Okay now that I'm done with that. I made two rockin' CD's last night. Both have a bunch of songs that I listened to at a specific time in my life that I loved. Or that are just sentimental and help me remember all the good times. They're really crazy cuz not many of them are the same genre or anything, but I love 'em.

I have 3 tests tomorrow. Mega gayness going on here people. Chemistry-mucho dificil!
Government-slightly hard, but we get to use notes, so yea.
Fun stuff, eh? Oh yea.

Dude! My art project is my favorite so far. All the shapes are different shades of purple and then black depending on the side and the background is yellow. It looks wicked awesome! See when I think my art work is good it's crazy because I hate all my art normally. But I'm really excited about this!! Sorry, just had to freak out there. Oh and, Dufty gave me more time tomorrow because I didn't get it done today and I was working hard. Way awesome. I so love him!

Okay I should go now. Gotta' take a shower. (My gosh I wish we had a bathtub.) Yea, Chao ya'll. Peace.

-Auntie Em-

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12-15-04 9:51pm

PURPLE!!! YUKKKKKKK!! It's like the second pink child

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