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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-17-2004 at 4:28pm
Current mood: cheerful
Music: Blue's clues good bye song.
Subject: We're gonna' kill Sparta! Go Hawks!!!
So today marks the beginning of break. Kinda' annoying though. I don't need a long break yet. Maybe a couple days, but I have no need for two weeks off.

I had fun at school.
First hour we watched Freaky Friday.
Second hour we had donuts and did constructions.
Third hour we ate ice cream and watched "The Day After Tomorrow".
Fourth hour we watched the rest of Scrooged.
Fifth hour we ate, broke a pinata and messed around.
Sixth hour we basically messed around. Although, we did draw a little.
So yea, overall fun day. I love my friends. They rock!

Okay I think that's about it. There's a game tonight. You probably know who we're playing because of my subject... but yea, oh well. Steph, Shelly and I are going bowling afterward. It should be joyous even if Paul's not there. (though I majorly hope he is)

Yea, I'm done now. Chao amigos. Feliz Navidad a todos y a todos noche bien.

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12-17-04 7:11pm

paul whom my love?


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Re:, 12-18-04 6:24pm

he's a guy who works at the bowling alley. he's like, 19 or something. he's majorly hot!!

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