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H2OforDuo (profile) wrote,
on 12-17-2004 at 8:46pm
I was just at Kat's hanging with her, Sparky and Mike. We watched Sprited Away and then went and fought with foam swords in the dark. And then we took pictures of us in spiffilicous poses with the foam swords XD It was great. It was definitely a good way to start off break. *nods violently* I'm feeling about ten million times better than I was. I've gotten support from all of my friends and teachers (special thanks to Nee). What do all y'all think of my new layout? I want input, damnitt! XD I'm a bit hyper. High off life, yah? I can't beleive how good I feel. I know it won't last for long, but Hell. I'm gonna enjoy it while I can. Aimee's back on MONDAY! (or is it Tuesday...The point is it's SOON.) WAAHAA! ^__________^ *Dances around* <( ' . ' )> (>' . ')> <( ' .'<) <( ' . ' )^

Merry Haunakwanzamass!

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12-20-04 5:16am

Aww... I'm glad your feeling better sweetie.



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And the cat goes> Moo, 12-20-04 8:09pm

Yay. I get kudos.
But it's all you, love. Only you can prevent angst overdoses.


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