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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-20-2004 at 7:15pm
Current mood: calm
Music: a mix that I made
Subject: (person 1)so i know this guy with a wooden leg named smith... (person 2)oh yea? what's he call his other leg?
I've spent my break doing absolutely nothing, so far that is. I have to work on a chem project with Katie and Jenny sooner or later though. And I'm gonna' go help Ariana paint next week, so it should get more exciting.

So, I'm bored out of my mind. I hate breaks. At least, this year I do. School's so not hard enough to make me need a break. Now I just have to sit around all day and not see anyone. Dumb to the power of 10.

Steph and I have decided that we're going to speak pig latin to eachother from now on. At least when we don't want other people to know what we're saying. We can speak it pretty fast to eachother and we're hoping no one else will be able to keep up. That'd be good. Otherwise we'll have to learn some crazy language, like hungarian. Maybe I should try that. It'd be WAY cool.

Okay I'm gonna' go now. Chao all. Party on, peace.

-Jacqui Jean-

Have a lovely rest of break dear ones.
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12-20-04 9:12pm

Speak for yourself on the whole "school not being hard enough for a break"! MY BRAIN IS FRIED!

Love you jekyll.


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Re:, 12-20-04 9:15pm

yea, you deserve a break het.

come chat with us. you and jenny and i could talk all together if you get on!

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