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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-26-2004 at 4:15pm
Current mood: tired
Music: Shall We Dance soundtrack
Subject: Happy Day after Christmas!
Hey all. How was everyone's christmas? Good I hope. Mine was bien! I got the Shall we dance soundtrack!! Oh yea! I love the music on it. Now if only I knew how to salsa... there are some mega-awesome salsaing songs on that CD. Plus it has "The Book of Love" by Peter Gabriel. I LOVE that song!!!! It's awesome!

Okay so, next week is like super busy. I have to get together with Katie and Jenny to do that project, my aunt wants Steph and I to go over there for a while, I'm going to Ariana's to help her paint and then I'm spending the night, and last but absolutely not least Friday is New Years Eve. We're having Ariana, Larissa and our grandparentals over. Should be funish. So yea, busy week going on here. That's nice though, last week not much happened at all. It was greatly boring.

Hey, I ordered some live strong bracelets off the internet and they should be here in 3-4 weeks, so if anybody wants one let me know. They're only a dollar. I'm gonna' have 8 of them.

Alrighty, I'll see ya' later guys. Chao.

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12-26-04 9:35pm

you should get yahoo because we haven't talked in like FOREVER and i miss ya

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Re:, 12-26-04 9:39pm

oh i know! i miss you too. but the parentals think yahoo kills computers, so i'm not allowed to have it.

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12-26-04 10:09pm

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Re: Re:, 12-26-04 10:09pm

woooahhhh that's crazy since my parents are the SAME way with msn, can you imagin if they combine forces, dude, we'd have nothing


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