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mbenznut (profile) wrote,
on 12-26-2004 at 11:15pm
Callie killed the rooster.

Dentist appointment in the morning.

I Robot was actually a very good movie. The Punisher, however, was not.

Cute guy at Papa Murphy’s. How can I find them when I come back, but not while I was here?

Hera and Rob are still “together”. Rob doesn’t seem too optimistic.

Jeremy is doing much better. He was actually walking w/o crutches. Although, they said they don’t even expect to be able to do the rectal reconstruction until May. Guess I never realized how bad off he was.

Wisconsin is freaking cold. It was -24 when I got home. It’s weird realizing the high temp is still going to be below zero. Supposed to get into the 30’s later this week though.

Seeing family is weird. Joanna looks like she lost 100lbs. Mary looks like she gained that much (she is under 5’ and was previously well over 200lbs.).

My aunt and cousin (mom’s side) moved into my grandparents’ old house. Grandparents are mostly moved into the new place.

Saw my nephew Lawrence for the second time. He’s huge. 17 months old, and he’s almost as tall as Marshall. Marshall is four years old and bigger than most kids his age. Lawrence likes to stick his fingers in Callie’s mouth. Callie is our guard dog, very large teeth and a rather assertive dog.

I’ve finally realized how screwed up my family is. My uncle pantsed my cousin’s son, in front of the whole family at dinner.
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Woah, 01-18-05 7:07am

Rectal reconstruction does not sound fun.

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