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Tuwang (profile) wrote,
on 12-28-2004 at 1:44pm
So me and Jayzulla got into this argument with two guys named drifter (nick) and rheborn (mike). Two beautiful people if you ask me.( go to and check the crew profiles on the left menu bar, drifter is under truggy).

Mike does these genius internet comics that make so much sense. Like who can forget this classic:

oh, and don't forget this one:

ANd then there's mikes serious side, becasue we know what a tortured soul he is (take note of his old english, the grammar is incredible):

Part I:

and as if they needed it Part II:

as you can see this guy is a tortured artist, and a true genius. Incase you didn't know also, they are incredible arguers, always bringing up their valid points. However, they don't seem to want to... tell us their valid points, but they like to tell about how they have valid points. now I was reading through this awesome material when I noticed this comic depicting my friend and yours, Kelly Edly, being run over by a car:

This inspired me to give it a go with comics, and I think I finally found out why these guys are like they are:

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12-28-04 2:27pm

I have no idea what that's all about, but, the comic was pretty funny.

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12-28-04 3:08pm

drifter and his douche squad are such morons

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12-28-04 3:27pm

beautiful artwork kev.

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12-28-04 5:43pm

i've said it before, and i'll say it again.

drifter looks like a mole

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Re:, 12-29-04 12:48am

next job, make a comic about how much ass we kick.

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12-29-04 2:09pm

What can I say except Im just that freaking cool. C'mon Ive been run over by a car. Sarcastic: Thats just so demoralizing to me, I dont know how I can continue in life.

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