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jacqui-chan (profile) wrote,
on 12-30-2004 at 9:30pm
Current mood: crazy
Music: nothing
Subject: He lives in you. He lives in me. He watches over everything we see...
I'm going nuts. This week has been absolutely crazy! I got up way earlier than I would've liked on Tuesday to go to Ariana's. We painted almost all day, but we did take a break to go sledding at one point. That may sound like a good thing, and I can't say I didn't have fun, but I have bruises everywhere from it. See, at her house there's a really steep hill leading down to the lake. Right before the lake, however, there's a big hill of sand. Everytime you hit the hill going super fast on a sled you fly, and then procede to hit the ice on the lake super hard! It's painful!! But it's fun, really fun. Anyway I spent the night at A's house and the next day we got up early again to go paint the not-a-township hall that su familia owns. So we primed 2 whole rooms by ourselves and we were helping Laurie (Ariana's mom) prime the "hallway" thing. While I was waiting for Laurie I went to check on Taryn in the big room. She wanted me to hold her, so I did. But she wouldn't let me put her down, so I ended up painting with one hand and holding her in the other. Not an easy task! But it was kinda' funny. I must've looked like a total freak. Blah. It was a fun couple of days overall. I had a good time.

Okay so, today my mom called from work at like 8:15am and tells us there was a cancellation and we could come in at 10:30am. (she works at a dentist office in Grand Rapids.) So we had to get up (again with the early thing) and get ready to go. My grandma came and picked us up, because Steph refuses to drive in G.R., and we went to the appointment. Afterward we went to lunch with my mom in the cafeteria. That was apparently not a good idea. First I forgot silverware and a tray, then I knocked a sign into a trashcan, then I almost pushed the pizza tray of the spinny thing. It was way un-good. The cooks were actually laughing at me by that time. Ugh. Horrible. But funny, I suppose. After that we left and went to Movie Gallery in Sparta. We rented Stepford Wives. So we go to check out and the girl at the counter goes "Do you two go to Cedar?" and I said "Yes..." wondering how the heck she could know that, no one was wearing Cedar apparel, and then she's like "Yea, I remember you. I used to go to Cedar but now I go to Sparta." So I'm still thinking, who the heck is this person. I didn't recognize her at all. And she's like "I used to ride your bus." So finally I got a look at her name tag. It was Casey. I haven't seen her in a long time, not that that's a bad thing. She was evil, I hated her. But yea, small world.

Well, now I'm trying to brainstorm ideas for this stupid chemisty project that I want to strangle with my bare hands and through into a very deep pool filled with hungry sharks and jellyfish. Yea, I hate science. The only thing about it I like is physics, but that's not chemistry now is it? Sorry, I'm just going nuts here. I can't think of a single thing I can do that will be fun to watch, have all the information it needs, and be semi-easy to work out. Katie and Jenny are coming to my house tomorrow at noon and we're gonna' do the taping and such. Fun.

Okay I have to go now. Chao amigos. Love mucho.

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chem project, 01-01-05 8:14pm's brittany...of course....omg, do we have to make a video thing for the chem project? I was told no by Bill and Zak....but I am PRETTY sure we have to. I decided I should ask you, cuz ur smart....ummm....try to get back to me on that by 2morrow pleeze....thx a bunch!

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Re: chem project, 01-02-05 11:58am

yea actually, we are. he said it's due when we walk through the door on Monday. kinda' sucks, but yea.

okay talk to ya' tomorrow. chao amiga!

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