Unorganized--Just the way I like it |
Created by shattered-window21 and taken 7 times on bzoink! |
Getting to know you (but i really don't care) |
how tall are you? | 5'4" |
are you male or female? | female |
what color are your eyes? | hazel |
what color is your hair? | brownish red |
do you have a lip piercing? | no |
if you have a lip piercing, a red beard, is your name chad? | ...nooooooooooooo |
oh, cus you would've been perfect for my friend charlotte | hahha funny |
Fun stuff....kinda.... |
what do you do in your spare time? | read, mess around on the computer and watch tv |
do you like bungee jumping? | never done it |
are you a thrill-seaker? | no |
do you hang out with your friends a lot? | sort of |
what's the one thing you ALWAYS love doing? | getting on the computer, going out and eatting chinese food |
do you play any sports competitively? | no |
Random Time! |
do you like milk in your coffee? | eww no |
do you like coffee at ALL? | yes |
how many pencil sharpeners do you own? | one cheap-o plastic one thats around here somewhere *shuffels through drawer* |
what do you think is in my mouth right now? | DICK |
it's a's a wood ruler...but anyway, do you like school? | well i had the wood part right and no, school is evil |
have you ever pulled off a hangnail and then had it REALLY hurt? | ...yeah... |
do you like digital cameras better than the "real" thing? | *shrugs* |
is technology an advancement in society, or a mistake? | depends on what it is |
have you ever wished you could have lived during the renaissance? | when was that again? |
did you know that today is new year's eve and i have nothing better to do? | diddo |
how much money is currently in your wallet? | 62 bucks |
have you ever had your driver's license taken away? | have i ever gotten my drivers license? no |
if so, why? | .... |
what's your favorite color to wear? | pink orange or brown |
do you have really long eyelashes? | sadly no |
do you sit there and randomly fiddle around with anything? | yes |
do YOU have anything in your mouth right now? | yes |
if so, what? if not, what WOULD you? | gum |
what's your lucky number? | 4 |
what was the worst day of your life? | have yet to have it i think |
are you one of those people that has bad days on fri. the 13th? | not so far no |
whoo! someone just randomly gave me a gift card! did you get one? | no. lucky you |
do you like using white-out? | YES! |
do you cheat on tests? | i have on one |
what type of mail or email do you get? | letters and spam |
what's your favorite tv show? | csi |
do you have an anger-management problem? | yes, though not diagnosed |
do you have an inferiority complex? | a wha? |
do you have a superiority complex? | and again...a wha? |
do you know what the word "repensive" means? | no |
haha you shouldn't, i made it up. but it's my word. so can i kill you? | ...psycho |
no, i wouldn't do that. can i hug you? | Yay! yes i love getting huggles |
if you could have ANYONE hug you right now, who would it be? | DOUG!! |
when's the last time you went on a bike ride? | like when i was 10 |
did you get snow this christmas? | no :( |
if so, how much? | :'( |
have you ever had surgery? | yes |
what's your pet peeve? | like when an article of clothing is rolled. like just one sleeve is slightly messed up or folded over...ahh |
do you have any pets? | fuck yes |
do you use your napkin while eating? | no |
is your family disfunctional? | more then anyone knows |
have you ever accidentally shaved your eyebrows off? | |
have you ever made a painting? | yes |
did it look pretty? | no |
how much does a stamp cost in your local area? | dunno dad buys them |
have you ever won an award? | yes |
when's your birthday? | 4/29/89 |
do you like ranch dressing? | not really no |
have you ever had an anxiety attack? | yes |
in four words, how would you describe yourself? | different, clutz, weird, ditz |
in four words, how would your friends describe you? | funny, strange, ditz, dork |
where's the computer that you're on located? | fire room |
do you like cemetaries? | omg i Live by one!...but no |
have you ever been out of state? | yes |
if so, where? if not, i'm sorry. | arkansas and dc |
when being expressive and asking a question, do you type "?!" OR "!?" | haha...yes |
what song can you listen to on repeat for an entire day? | here without you by...3 doors down? |
what's your favorite kind of dessert? | strawberry cheesecake |
can you think of any word that has a double meaning? | fuck |
do you like free stuff? | yes! |
do like wallets or purses? | um-hmm |
have you ever been in love? | yes |
have you ever been dumped? | yes |
have you ever had a prayer be answered in the way you wanted it to be? | i dont think so... |
do you believe in any religion? | yes |
do you play video games? | no |
have you ever seen anchor man? | on tv... |
have you ever played with sparklers inside the house? | haha |
have you ever set off any kind of alarm accidentally? | yes |
do you think you're intelligent? | ehh so so |
do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart? | ? |
what do you wish you could do, but are physically incapable of doing? | flying |
have you ever lost your best friend? | for a moment, but she was just around the corner |
what time is it right now? | 2:07 am |
do you have a curfew? | yes |
have you ever shopped online? | no |
if so, what did you buy? | ... |
what do you think about actors and actresses? | alright |
what's your favorite country, and why? | us...because its the only one im familiar with |
do you like playing in sprinklers? | no |
how old do you think i am? | 15-20 |
how old does your other half think i am? | 40 |
how old does your evil twin think i am? | 30 |
what's your favorite restaurant? | Oriental House |
are you a procrastinator? | ................................................................................................................yes |
on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you weigh? | 5? |
who knows what surprises a wonder ball can hide? | the things inside of it |
do you have to share a bathroom with other people in the morning? | yes |
do you talk on the phone a lot? | no |
what was the best day of your life? | the day i got life? |
if you could be doing anything but this right now, what would you be doing? | talking to doug but he didnt get his ass back on msn... |
do you like chocolate? | yes |
do you eat your vegetables? | some of them |
are you healthy? | well im not dead |
what's your favorite kind of weather? | fall weather |
how many eggs are in one container? | 12 |
how many things are in a dozen? | 12 |
how many pints are in a gallon? (i don't even know that) | me either |
what's your favorite color combonation? | pink and black |
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend? | sadly no |
if so, are they nice? | my make believe one is, yes |
what's the best day of the week? | friday Night |
when the last time you had to take medicine of some sort? | like 8 hours ago |
do you believe in life after love? | yes, you just have to be strong enough to get through |
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