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Butterfly (profile) wrote,
on 1-1-2005 at 1:28am
Current mood: bored/bouncy
Music: shut up - black eyed peas
Subject: lots of surveys

A pretty long survey...

Created by scary-stares and taken 10 times on bzoink!

So, tell me some basic things about yourself...
NameRachel Elaine Prewitt
Country you live inus
What is your natrual hair colour?light brown
Eye colour?hazel
Your interests/hobbies...
What music do you like?country, some rap, hip hop, r&b
What food from a different country do you like?chinese!!
What sports do you like?softball
Do you like shopping?Yes!
Do you like to read?yes
Do you like school?fuck no
Do you like anything?...yeah...
Favourite Singer?depends on my mood
Favourite Band?maroon 5
Favourite Singer/Band Logohuh?
Favourite American presidentBush
Favourite games console...huh?
Favourite Game for that particular consoleand again...huh?
Favourite posterWhat?!
Favourite sports star/athletenot into that
This or that?
Curls/straight(hair)doesnt matter
Black/whitelook better in white...?
English/Mathsenglish! math sucks balls
Cameron Diaz/Christina aguileraCameron
Justin timberlake/Brad PittBrad
Coffee/teaooh nooo thats so sad i caint decide!!...coftea!
How are you feeling now?lonely
When are you happy?when i have something to be happy about
When are you sad?a lot
When are you angry?when mom doesnt let me tell her off
When are you scared?omg like all the time
Who is your Idol?me
Who do you most despise?cain't say
Who do you most love?its a secret
Who in your family do you dislike most?oh thats sad...MOM
Who in your family do you like most?trev. good ol' bub
Who really annoys you?Katie & Zach
Who really makes you happy?dougals
Who do you think really cant sing?friends or famous? jess caint...and neither can...aaron carter
Who do you think really can sing?jo and kelly clarkson
Who do you think is the sexiest model?i dun know, dont really pay attention
Who do you think is the ugliest model?look above
Who is your best friend?oh geeze...kay, doug, sama, chlo, jo, jacob, tylor, jess
How many friends do you actually have?*counts* geeze like more then 15
Which of your friends do you like least?thats a mean question...jess
Which of you friends have you betrayed?none thank you very much
Who of you friends is most loyal?all of them i think...i hope... <.< ... >.>
Sexiestdougals and tylor
Prettiesti dun know
Which one of your friends has betrayed you?best be none of 'em...bitches
Love and kisses
Have you had your first kiss yet?well you *sighs* wait! does cyber kiss count?!
If so who with?*looks around then cries*
Do you think everyone has a soul mate?yes
Love or lust?love!
Kiss or hug?kiss
Flowers or teddy?aww flowers And teddy? no? ok...teddy
Have you ever been in love?yes
Have you ever been dumped?yes
Have you ever dumped someone?yes
Who is your perfect 'other half'?its secret
Who do you know that you most hate?chris
Which singer/band do you hate most?scary ones.
Which celebrity do you hate most?geeze i dont hate no one!
Do you hate George Bush?absolutly not
Do you hate Tony Blair?who?!
Do you hate religion?no
Do you like the colour green?not really no
Do you believe in the paranormal?depends
Do you like chocolate?yes please! *holds hand out*
What would you do if you couldnt have chocolate?cry
Do you belive in santalol no
Are you glad this is over?kind of

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My Fucking Survey

Created by robbie and taken 4 times on bzoink!

Have you ever percied your self?peirced? yes
What is your favorite feeling?love
Do you smoke?no
Do you drink?no
Do you have any percings?yes
How old are you?15
Are you in love ? With who ?i dont think
What do you not like about yourself?my weight and teeth
Have you ever tried to commit suicide?yes
Do you have a New Years resolution?no
Do you have a faverite holiday?ehh not really
Whats your faverite food?zoo chicken
Do you have any pets?ooooooh yeah
Have you been to any concerts?yes

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Random Questions

Created by KindofMonday and taken 6 times on bzoink!

Randomness with yoru name
What is your full nameRachel Elaine Prewitt
Type it backwardsttiwerP enialE lehcaR
Switch your name around to create another nameRena...?
switch it around to make a word/a sentenceGeeze!! ok...twine
Objects around you
If you have a year book, go to page 15 who do you know that's on that page?Johanna
Go to page 34 of any book you have and read the third lineThe eye of the beholder will always follow you, no matter how far you run, or who you turn to. You will never be safe my dear...
Take a random CD, what's track 3?Don't tell me
shake your keyboard while it's upside down, does anything fall out?Nope
if so what?-
Do they speak louder than words?sometimes yes
IM someone and say "I have balloons in my bud junk a junk junk"...k...?
what is their reaction?"WTF?!"
Sing very loudly these lyrics -OO BABY WORK IT WORK IT SMACK THAT THANG LAA...k...
does anyone say something to you?yes
If so who and what did they say?"shut up! get off the computer and go to bed!"
Can you blow spit bubbles?hehe Yes
what about snot bubbles?Eww! .. Yeah
Can you do anything interesting with your tongue?i suppose
what is it?roll it 2 different ways
end of the quiz

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Unorganized--Just the way I like it

Created by shattered-window21 and taken 7 times on bzoink!

Getting to know you (but i really don't care)
how tall are you?5'4"
are you male or female?female
what color are your eyes?hazel
what color is your hair?brownish red
do you have a lip piercing?no
if you have a lip piercing, a red beard, is your name chad?...nooooooooooooo
oh, cus you would've been perfect for my friend charlottehahha funny
Fun stuff....kinda....
what do you do in your spare time?read, mess around on the computer and watch tv
do you like bungee jumping?never done it
are you a thrill-seaker?no
do you hang out with your friends a lot?sort of
what's the one thing you ALWAYS love doing?getting on the computer, going out and eatting chinese food
do you play any sports competitively?no
Random Time!
do you like milk in your coffee?eww no
do you like coffee at ALL?yes
how many pencil sharpeners do you own? one cheap-o plastic one thats around here somewhere *shuffels through drawer*
what do you think is in my mouth right now?DICK
it's a's a wood ruler...but anyway, do you like school?well i had the wood part right and no, school is evil
have you ever pulled off a hangnail and then had it REALLY hurt?...yeah...
do you like digital cameras better than the "real" thing?*shrugs*
is technology an advancement in society, or a mistake?depends on what it is
have you ever wished you could have lived during the renaissance?when was that again?
did you know that today is new year's eve and i have nothing better to do?diddo
how much money is currently in your wallet?62 bucks
have you ever had your driver's license taken away?have i ever gotten my drivers license? no
if so, why?....
what's your favorite color to wear?pink orange or brown
do you have really long eyelashes?sadly no
do you sit there and randomly fiddle around with anything?yes
do YOU have anything in your mouth right now?yes
if so, what? if not, what WOULD you?gum
what's your lucky number?4
what was the worst day of your life?have yet to have it i think
are you one of those people that has bad days on fri. the 13th?not so far no
whoo! someone just randomly gave me a gift card! did you get one?no. lucky you
do you like using white-out?YES!
do you cheat on tests?i have on one
what type of mail or email do you get?letters and spam
what's your favorite tv show?csi
do you have an anger-management problem?yes, though not diagnosed
do you have an inferiority complex?a wha?
do you have a superiority complex?and again...a wha?
do you know what the word "repensive" means?no
haha you shouldn't, i made it up. but it's my word. so can i kill you?...psycho
no, i wouldn't do that. can i hug you?Yay! yes i love getting huggles
if you could have ANYONE hug you right now, who would it be?DOUG!!
when's the last time you went on a bike ride?like when i was 10
did you get snow this christmas?no :(
if so, how much?:'(
have you ever had surgery?yes
what's your pet peeve?like when an article of clothing is rolled. like just one sleeve is slightly messed up or folded over...ahh
do you have any pets?fuck yes
do you use your napkin while eating?no
is your family disfunctional?more then anyone knows
have you ever accidentally shaved your eyebrows off?
have you ever made a painting?yes
did it look pretty?no
how much does a stamp cost in your local area?dunno dad buys them
have you ever won an award?yes
when's your birthday?4/29/89
do you like ranch dressing?not really no
have you ever had an anxiety attack?yes
in four words, how would you describe yourself?different, clutz, weird, ditz
in four words, how would your friends describe you?funny, strange, ditz, dork
where's the computer that you're on located?fire room
do you like cemetaries?omg i Live by one!...but no
have you ever been out of state?yes
if so, where? if not, i'm sorry.arkansas and dc
when being expressive and asking a question, do you type "?!" OR "!?"haha...yes
what song can you listen to on repeat for an entire day?here without you by...3 doors down?
what's your favorite kind of dessert?strawberry cheesecake
can you think of any word that has a double meaning?fuck
do you like free stuff?yes!
do like wallets or purses?um-hmm
have you ever been in love?yes
have you ever been dumped?yes
have you ever had a prayer be answered in the way you wanted it to be?i dont think so...
do you believe in any religion?yes
do you play video games?no
have you ever seen anchor man?on tv...
have you ever played with sparklers inside the house?haha
have you ever set off any kind of alarm accidentally?yes
do you think you're intelligent?ehh so so
do you believe in magic, in a young girl's heart??
what do you wish you could do, but are physically incapable of doing?flying
have you ever lost your best friend?for a moment, but she was just around the corner
what time is it right now?2:07 am
do you have a curfew?yes
have you ever shopped online?no
if so, what did you buy?...
what do you think about actors and actresses?alright
what's your favorite country, and why?us...because its the only one im familiar with
do you like playing in sprinklers?no
how old do you think i am?15-20
how old does your other half think i am?40
how old does your evil twin think i am?30
what's your favorite restaurant?Oriental House
are you a procrastinator?................................................................................................................yes
on a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you weigh?5?
who knows what surprises a wonder ball can hide?the things inside of it
do you have to share a bathroom with other people in the morning?yes
do you talk on the phone a lot?no
what was the best day of your life?the day i got life?
if you could be doing anything but this right now, what would you be doing?talking to doug but he didnt get his ass back on msn...
do you like chocolate?yes
do you eat your vegetables?some of them
are you healthy?well im not dead
what's your favorite kind of weather?fall weather
how many eggs are in one container?12
how many things are in a dozen?12
how many pints are in a gallon? (i don't even know that)me either
what's your favorite color combonation?pink and black
do you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?sadly no
if so, are they nice?my make believe one is, yes
what's the best day of the week?friday Night
when the last time you had to take medicine of some sort?like 8 hours ago
do you believe in life after love?yes, you just have to be strong enough to get through

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01-01-05 3:35pm

I'm a male.
Jayk isn't.

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Re:, 01-02-05 1:58pm

is the guy in your icon smoking?

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01-01-05 3:38pm

Who me? (See love & kisses) ;) Your still cool in my book rach.

(reply to this)


Re:, 01-02-05 1:56pm

lmfao both on right accounts. thats crazy. your in my head!
*puts on tin-foil hat*

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